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Learning to let go - What you can learn from the Dalai Lama about letting go

What you can learn from the Dalai Lama about letting go

Last updated on September 9, 2023 by Roger Kaufman

Learning to let go with the Dalai Lama is the key to happiness!

“If you have a flower in a vase, you have to water it regularly or it will die. Relationships are the same way. If you want to maintain a relationship, you have to nurture it regularly or it will die.”

This is a quote from Dalai Lama, a wise man who knows a lot about life and relationships.

Letting go is a big challenge for many people.

We are afraid of being alone and hold on to things that are not good for us.

But as Dalai Lama says, it's important to invest in our relationships regularly, otherwise they will wither away.

In this article we will look at what we can learn from Dalai Lama about letting go.

Learning to let go with the Dalai Lama.

The Dalai Lama is the highest dignitary in the Gelug school of Tibetan Buddhism.

The Dalai Lama today is the Buddhist monk Tenzin Gyatso.

You can do a lot from the Dalli Lama Theme of letting go lernen.

With the Buddhists is Let go learn the key to happiness.

This is what he thinks too Dalai Lama.

You can see old pains, longings, Stress and let go of excessive demands.

This is how new possibilities can arise, you can develop personally and grow.

33 Dalai Lama quotes that inspire

The Dalai Lama is one of the world's most recognized Buddhist monks and leading religious leaders.

Born into a farming family in the northeastern part of Tibet, he was identified as a reincarnation of the 13th Dalai Lama at the age of six and enrolled in the monastery school.

He took over the reins of government at the age of 15 and fled to India in 1959 after speaking out against the conquest of Tibet by the People's Republic of China.

The Dalai Lama is considered one of the world's leading experts on Buddhist philosophy and is also known for his wisdom and inspirational quotes.

In this video I have selected the best sayings and quotes from Dalai Lama.

Best sayings and quotes
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Letting go quotes Dalai Lama | Sayings

Letting go is a painful part of life.

But according to Buddhism, if we want happiness, we must let go of burdens and desires erfahren want.

Still, letting go doesn't mean you don't have to worry about just about anything.

It actually shows that you love life and the of Love can experience both fully and freely without clinging to it for your survival.

According to Buddhism, this is the only way to achieve real freedom and also happiness experience.

Listed below, I have 25 stunning ones Dalai Lama quotes found that discuss what letting go really entails.

31 profound quotes from Dalai Lama

Forest pool in Thailand with a view of a temple - 31 profound
31 profound quotes from Dalai Lama masters | Buddhism Dalai Lama

“Open your arms to change, but don’t let go of your values.”

Believe every day when you wake up: today I'm lucky to be alive, I have a valuable human life, I won't waste it.

“The goal is not to be better than the other person, but to be your current self.”

“Think carefully: What is stopping you from living the method you intend for your life?”

“Love and empathy are needs, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive.”

“Our main purpose in this life is to help others. If you can’t help them, at least you shouldn’t hurt them.”

Dalai Lama Quotes - When you breathe in, appreciate yourself. When you breathe out, appreciate all beings.

“As you breathe in, appreciate yourself. As you breathe out, appreciate all beings.”

“Serenity does not mean that there are no problems; There will certainly always be differences. Serenity means addressing these differences in a calm manner; through dialogue, education and learning, expertise; and also with gentle means.”

“The whole point of faith is to help with love and also compassion, perseverance, tolerance, humility and forgiveness.”

“Just the growth of concern and understanding for others can bring us the peace and joy that most of us seek.”

“For me, love and compassion are the true religious beliefs. However, to establish this we do not have to believe in any belief.”

“The issue of worry is not a spiritual matter at all; It is necessary to know that it is a human service, it is about the survival of humanity.”

A skeleton worries - worry is the radicalism of our time.A skeleton worries -

“Concern is the radicalism of our time.”

“If you want others to be excited, practice empathy. If you want to have fun, practice empathy.”

“Often you create a dynamic impact by asserting something, and sometimes you create an equally significant impact by remaining silent.”

“Where ignorance is our master, there is no opportunity for real rest.”

“The way to change other people’s minds is with affection, not anger.”

“Remember that sometimes not getting what you want is a fantastic stroke of luck.”

“An open heart is an open mind.”

"There is a saying in Tibetan: 'The disaster should be used as a source of hardship.' No matter what kind of problems, how unpleasant the experience, if we give up our hope, that is our real misfortune.”

Motivational Dalai Lama quotes

A woman reflects on the following quote - "Choose to be positive, it really feels a lot better." Dalai Lama

“Choose to be positive, it really feels a lot better.”

“It is extremely rare or virtually impossible for an event to be negative from all perspectives.”

“Share your expertise. It is a means to attain eternal life.”

“Joy is not something prepared. It arises from your own activities.”

“A regimented mind leads to joy, just as an unrestrained mind leads to suffering.”

"Be polite, whenever possible. It’s always possible.”

Dalai Lama views on love

A mantram and a quote - "Love is the absence of judgment."

“Love is the absence of judgment.”

“Offer those who love you wings to fly, roots to move forward, and factors to stay.”

“The more you are motivated by love, the bolder and freer your actions will certainly become.”

“Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive.”

“We can live without faith and even meditation, but without human love we cannot endure life.”

Dalai Lama | 30 ways to love and peace

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What do you mainly do – learning to let go with the Dalai Lama

For example, you don't constantly have to deal with old problems and injuries, but you can do it freely and with dignity live.

In other words, everyone can learn to let go of people, places, but also feelings and old Injuries.

Im Buddhism There are 4 steps to really letting go of something.

“Remember that sometimes what you don’t get can be a wonderful twist of fate."

Dalei Lama
What are you mainly concerned with?
Dalai Lama on the topic Let go

1. Be clear about the Historythat hurts you – learn to let go

You should think about the story or incidents that are bothering you.

The memories trigger bad feelings in you.

You are sad, hurt, frustrated, angry or disappointed and an experience.

You should realize that these History is there, but don't judge them.

2. Feel and observe the physical feeling you have

What physical feeling do you have? Is it a stabbing pain, is it sadness, inner emptiness, a feeling of tightness or heartache?

Focus on your feeling and try to feel it for a while.

Don't try that Blocking out feelings or just focusing on your thoughts to concentrate. Then stay a while friendly with this feeling.

3. Breathe out and let go – with Dalai Lama learning to let go

In Tibetan Buddhism, which the Dalai Lama also represents, breathing out is meaningful.

Breathe in your pain or difficult feelings, and breathe that Letting go of these feelings out of. As you breathe out, also think of compassion.

Exhale and let go - a woman breathes in and out deeply
Dalai Lama on the topic of letting go

Example: to put it more elegantly, when you are sad, as you breathe in think of all the sadness in the world……… and as you breathe out think of contentment.

In short, that's why do this exercise for 1 or 2 minutes.

In this exercise you begin to think about others and let go of your own pain and problems. This is how you get help Learn to let go.

4. Look gratefully at the present, This is also what the Dalei Lama thinks

Once you have let go of your negative feelings, focus on the present, look at where you are and what is happening around you.

Try to be grateful for things in your presence.

When the mind is trapped in the past, one cannot concentrate properly on the present.

Try to be in the present moment and be grateful for what is.

This is how you transform your inner struggles into a moment of joy.

“The phenomenon of transience to understand correctly is to grasp its deep meaning.”

Dalei Lama

For the Buddhists Learning to let go is part of life.

As a human being you have to be one Letting go for life. As a young person, at some point you have to leave your parents and your home let go, in many cases you have to let go of places, later you have to let go of friends, ex-partners when you are older, your own children, and at the end of your life you have to learn to let go completely.

For Buddhists, this constant change is life. By the Letting go occurs Relaxation, new possibilities arise and healing occurs.

81 Buddha Sayings Strength | Buddhism quotes

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In life you need both – breathing in and breathing out – learning to let go with the Dalai Lama

In Buddhism Dalai Lama Breathing plays a big role. In any case, you can only breathe in if you have breathed out first.

For Buddhists it is letting go learn to breathe out in the mind.

The Anxieties and desires are let go. When you exhale, you should focus only on the moment and nothing else.

You don't want to have anything, you just concentrate on being.

When you let go, you are essentially always in the flow.

You don't use up any energy trying to hold on to something that you actually have to learn to let go of anyway.

This creates clarity and inner peace.

The mind becomes still and calm and is focused only in the moment.

Learn to breathe in and breathe out
Dalai Lama on the topic of letting go

Learning to breathe and let go with the Dalai Lama

In the Dalai Lama's Buddhism there are some breathing exercises to do this Learn to let go easier to do.

Breathing in means accepting a situation, breathing out means letting go.

This exercise involves thinking about a thing or a person that you absolutely love live want to keep. You breathe in and hold it Atem as long as possible.

Do this two or three times.

Then return to normal breathing and breathe in and out calmly several times.

Then you think about something that you don't want to accept at the moment.

You breathe in, then breathe out, and then try not to breathe in again as long as you can.

Do this two or three times and then return to normal breathing.

This is how you can learn that Accepting situations and letting go learning is part of life and you have to accept things as they are.

Meditation is a proven tool

For Buddhists like the Dalai Lama, meditation is also a good help let go to be able to.

Meditation helps to calm the mind and the thoughts to bring to rest. This should also be the case internally Peace to adjust.

Let go and control

Letting go also means giving up control.

You should have your interpersonal relationships Relations Don't cut it, but realize that you can't control everything in life.

One should allow the world to be as it is. At the Theme of letting go Trust plays a big role in learning.

When you have to let go of something, you often feel pain and want the person or the place Do not release.

But you can try trust.

Because it's often good for something that you Learn to let go must. You often don't know what it could be good for at first.

Later in life, you may realize that letting go also brought something good.

The gedanke “Maybe it’s good for something” can help you learn to let go.

Learning to let go and desire

Learning to let go and desire
Dalai Lama on the topic of letting go

Buddhism is about letting go of your desire and attachment.

It's about the desire to be perfect, to be successful, to exercise control, or to present yourself as particularly good.

One should try this emotions to recognize and stop.

When you let go of desire, you can also let go of attachment let go.

So the action should become pure action, you are no longer tense or frustrated.

Now you can do more with less stress desired .

"Nothing is more relaxing, than accepting what comes.”

Dalei Lama

Learning to let go Conclusion

Once you have learned to let go, you are also open to new ones People, locations and tasks open again.

You no longer have to force events, but live much more harmoniously if you are open and accept situations as they come.

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