Last updated on May 14, 2021 by Roger Kaufman
What you should and should not concern yourself with in life.
A Sage Story of Nasruddin
Nasruddin is a ferryman on a raging river. One day he rows a self-important scholar to the other bank. The two talk about all sorts of things, and the fussy scholar notices that Nasruddin makes a lot of grammatical mistakes. He reprimands Nasruddin, because he doesn't know the grammar well.
The learned verbatim: “Nasruddin, you have half yours live wasted!”
Short Time later the current increases dangerously and the ferry is about to sink.
Nasruddin asks his passenger: “Have you ever learned to swim?” He has to say no. Then Nasruddin sighed, but without a certain sarcasm: “Then it was all yours live unfortunately in vain. The ferry is sinking!”
Where does the story of Nasruddin come from?
Richard Merrill came to understand Nasruddin as a Persian Sufi personality through the stories of Idries Shah.
This incredible personality was resurrected as a direct manipulation creature in the hands of puppeteer Richard Merrill of Brooksville, Maine.
Background: In Turkey his name is Nasreddin Hodja from Anatolia, a historical character from the time of Seljuk rule in the so-called Middle Ages.
In addition to the Turkish location in Xinjiang in western China, Nasreddin, Nasrudin or Nasruddin is also declared by Afghans, Iranians, Uzbeks and Arabs.
Given that the Seljuk Empire from 1000 to 1400 stretched from Turkey to the Punjab in India, as did the Achmaenid Empire a thousand years before, you bring insightful information Stories (in addition to the battle) from east to west and back again, such a personality as Nasruddin can certainly be shared by all, whether as Nasreddin Hodja or Mulla Nasruddin.
Nasruddin's new style is both fresh and vibrant, says a film doubter who listened to Nasruddin speak at the box office.
It is true that his new stories reduced a large swath of typical spiritual stories of many faiths.
Apparently no one understands what his old style was like; It is likely that the here and now is a continuation of longstanding predispositions.
The Venerable Mullah, perhaps he flourished all his days, was never one to hold back from asserting the ideal, and he has not changed a bit.
Among his favorite stories, The Sweetest Strawberry the World Has Ever Known is a Nasruddinized version of a beautiful Zen Buddhist story.
In Nasruddin's hands it is full of menace, Humour, excitement and absurdity. The audience is unaware that they have simply absorbed sophisticated and important esoteric training!
The Zen monk records that he first told the traditional story several centuries ago: “We don't mind if Nasruddin informs you.
“As long as his heart stays in the right range, we just back away and avoid our eyes.”