Last updated on July 2, 2022 by Roger Kaufman
A change of perspective
Learning to let go spiritually – As soon as a person is born, he begins - quite automatically - to communicate his needs to others.
He doesn't question what he does or compare his actions to others his age.
A newborn is what many people have ceased to be long before their death and yet what they still lack: they are spiritually detached.
Learning to let go spiritually – what is the most important thing for you
Although a baby's behavioral repertoire is initially limited, unmistakable screaming, wailing crying, excited kicking and joyful cooing will soon become a large and colorful palette full of different expressions with which the new citizen will try to shape and create good relationships live respectively.
But sometimes things turn out differently than expected and only a few people would come to the idea that the reason for this is a special kind of internal imprisonment.
A good life – what is that actually?
This happens every now and then live Paradox: The more opportunities we have to satisfy our needs, the less successful we are at doing so.
This has to do with the fact that as we grow Age causes ever greater difficulty in recognizing what we actually want.
But why is that so?
You probably don't remember it, but... Baby You couldn't and didn't have to question what was most important to you, because it was absolutely clear to you.
You wanted of Love, no more and no less.
Screaming, crying, kicking and cooing were initially the tools you used to get her - even if it seems primitive to you.
The wonderful consequence for you was: You were satisfied.
Spiritually learn to let go – is love the secret?
But this satisfaction, which is so easily achieved, will soon be taken away from us all.
We are taught of Love alone would not be enough; It would take more to be truly satisfied - for example, very special toys, very special clothes and a very special appearance.
And later it has to be a very special job, ideally one that pays a lot of money and is highly respected.
But how can it be explained that many who have achieved exactly that are still not satisfied?
What prevents them from Glück to feel?
Faster, further, bigger – Let go spiritually, learn
The answer to that is hidden wherever you go Times of the eternal competition, hardly anyone is looking.
While each of us is busy trying to outdo those around us around the clock in all sorts of ways - be it raising children, careers or salaries - something very important is slipping further and further out of our field of vision: ours Intuition.
To be intuitive is to be like a newborn baby.
It means being able to let go spiritually and thus recognize the path that leads to satisfaction .
Intuitive People are outside the captivity of other people's needs and can distinguish them from their own.
In their eyes, being satisfied with “less” contradicts neither a modern nor a sensible lifestyle.
This means that intuitive, spiritually free people are under much less pressure, which in turn has a positive effect on their health and therefore their happiness.
However, people who have forgotten how to let go spiritually are constantly chasing goals that only drain them of energy but never bring fulfillment.
With a bit of luck, however, these people sense that it is time to make a change.
Copy and paste
Even if we have forgotten how to achieve true contentment, we still know from earlier times that it exists.
However, since we were taught early on, our own and whole natural If we subordinate our needs to those that other people have thought up for us, we are suddenly faced with a problem.
We don't know what to do anymore glücklich makes us as we really are, not as others would prefer to see us.
The only solution we usually come up with is copy-and-paste, which means that as soon as we see a happy-looking person - whether on TV or among friends - we use them like a stencil and copy them.
However, it is obvious what such a project actually achieves.
We are only moving further away from the contented feeling of our early memories. And if we're honest, that's a good thing.
Because what would the world be if everyone swam in the same direction?
No two people are the same and because that is the case, it is impossible to make another person's life your own.
Thus, what makes someone else happy is not what brings us happiness.
The secret formula for happiness – Learn to let go spiritually
The question that arises is: How can we figure out what makes us happy?
And: Which path must be taken in order to definitely end up at the right destination?
Maybe you are one of those people who fear that they have followed the wrong path at an early stage.
Maybe you're wondering what it will take to get back on track and maybe that's why you're comparing yourself to people who, despite all the obstacles, have apparently gotten to where you are liebsten want to be.
But instead of leading a contented life like others, you puzzle like them secret formula for happiness could be.
The answer is actually quite simple.
To correspond to ourselves
Whether professionally successful or not, satisfaction does not necessarily depend on how many rungs of the career ladder a person has climbed in their life.
And not from the account balance either.
Satisfaction is a feeling that only arises when a person does exactly what he loves, i.e. when he only fulfills himself and not others.
But the most people live a strange and equally cramped life.
Most people live a life in which they are never spiritual let go, but rather emulate artificial values.
Up to hers Tod Some people manage to ignore the gap between their true needs and the strangers who stoically satisfy them.
For others, however, this feat of strength is too immense.
After a long time in which they have done everything to deceive themselves, these people look at their lives and admit that they are in Truth is repugnant.
This kind of insight comes on its own every now and then, but often it takes a relentless trigger.
The most effective of them is called illness and is basically nothing more than a wake-up call that leads us to... change prompts.
Illnesses, if we stick with them, are certainly not something pleasant.
But they are not exclusively bad.
One good thing that every illness brings with it, for example, is that we learn to perceive ourselves better again and for ourselves Concern to wear.
Thanks to an illness, our focus changes from the outside to the inside and reveals something that we haven't paid attention to for a long time: our needs.
With this in mind, we are now finally able to let go of what we have clung to for far too long: the needs of others.
By allowing ourselves to take this step, we allow ourselves to be like newborns again, so to speak. When things are going optimally for us, we start to be honest with ourselves.
We can finally let go spiritually again and find true contentment erfahren.
A completely perfect life
In addition to illness, life offers us all sorts of other opportunities to learn how to let go spiritually.
Life crises of all kinds are suitable for this because they force us to adopt new perspectives and change old ways of thinking and thinking behavior pattern to exchange for new approaches.
How many others ask Maybe you too wonder what the point of this is and are of the opinion that bad times shouldn't even exist.
- But what would happen then?
- What if that live would be completely perfect for each of us and freed from all vices?
- What reason would we have to grow and develop?
- Or to put it even more radically: What reason do we have for existing?
Spiritually let go Learning therefore also means learning to recognize what is supposedly bad live recognized as an opportunity. And to do this, we must stop fighting against life itself.
Learning to let go spiritually
Life means going through ups and downs. Without depths, none of us would have a sense of heights.
We can only enjoy beautiful moments when we know what painful moments feel like.
Continually fighting against pain would mean denying ourselves the beauty of life.
Our perspective on things usually looks different. We shy away from change and we shy away even more from problems.
- But what speaks against viewing problems as something helpful?
- For example, as an obstacle that we can overcome and learn from?
- What speaks against you? Change of perspective?
- Or trying to solve the problem instead of trying to avoid it?
Each of us continually has the choice to view events in different ways.
- We can understand illness as a punishment from God or as a message that helps us rediscover our intuition.
- We can consider the loss of a loved one as live look at the devastating blow of fate or be happy for him that he was allowed to enter the gate to a more beautiful existence.
- No matter how bad things get, no one can stop us from looking for something beautiful in them.
And each of us will find what he is looking for as soon as he becomes spiritual let go and embrace change can let in.
Let go of control
Spiritually learn to let go Furthermore, it always goes hand in hand with becoming aware of your need for control and giving it up.
Instead of control Trust in the course that life sets for us.
Anyone who can trust life can also trust themselves.
Anyone who wants to learn to let go spiritually will also learn to become aware of their own abilities and develop them further.
Anyone who knows about their abilities automatically stops fighting in life.
He recognizes that fighting uses up valuable energy, making it difficult for us to perceive satisfaction.
What prevents us from being able to let go spiritually?
Moments, good or bad, don't last forever. However, they often leave traces, so-called patterns or beliefs, in the middle of our lives subconscious determine how we react to certain events in life.
Behind this there is often a protective function that is intended to protect us from another defeat, another loss or another embarrassment.
Let us surrender to these patterns without thinking, border we ourselves and are therefore not free.
Being free means letting go spiritually. Letting go spiritually means letting go without fear live.
How we dissolve our beliefs
If you want to free yourself from your beliefs, if you are spiritual let go If you want to learn, you will inevitably come close to your past.
There, in your early childhood, you - like each of us - Thought patterns created that are holding you captive today.
You learned that it was important to have something and not to give it up for anything in the world.
You learned that possession equals happiness and associated loss with great misfortune.
Once you can become aware of these things, once you can recognize them, you will be able to let them go.
Spiritually learn to let go So it also means learning to reflect. Reflection, in turn, allows you to recognize what you are using up your valuable resources on day after day.
You will find that it is often simple yet powerful concerns that prevent you from living your life as it corresponds to your nature.
Vera F. Birkenbihl – Pragmatic esotericism – The small path to the big self – let go spiritually
Anyone who wants to learn to let go spiritually will have a new chance
What spiritual don't let go means is to push problems away from us.
It means room for new ones Experiences with the help of which we can develop further.
Spiritually let go Learning can therefore be understood as a process that can bring about the completion of ourselves.
But without practice and without consciously encouraging ourselves to reflect, it will be difficult for us to recognize our beliefs.
Who spiritual learn to let go will quickly realize that no one - no guru, no therapist or psychologist - could take this project off his hands.
Only if we are prepared to take responsibility for ourselves and dare to research our true needs can we once again achieve the satisfaction of a newborn.
Commitment to ourselves pays off, for everyone, because everyone can do it spiritually if they are ready Learn to let go and live a contented life .