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The wondrous power of your thoughts

The wondrous power of your thoughts

Last updated on June 20, 2021 by Roger Kaufman

Eckart von Hirschhausen: the wondrous power of thoughts

When Eckart von Hirschhausen talks about happiness, medicine and miracles, millions of people hang on his every word - and laugh.

In an interview with Yves Bossart, the German doctor and cabaret artist explains what makes us happy, how humor heals and why we still believe in magic.

Source: SRF
Eckart von Hirschhausen on the power of thoughts
Eckart von Hirschhausen about the power of thought
Stethoscope with a heart with a quote: God does heal, and the doctor sends the bill. -Mark Twain(1)
The wondrous power of your thoughts

“God heals and the doctor sends the bill.” – Mark Twain

The Spiritual Laws – The Secret of the Power of Your Thoughts – Kurt Tepperwein –

The author and spiritual teacher Kurt Tepperwein has shaped the spirit of the new age like no other and in this interview with presenter Peggy Rockteschel gives us a deeper and more far-reaching approach to understanding than most People is not even aware of what reality actually is, even though they experience it every day.

You know him difference between Reality and reality are not and are based on the so-called facts. We only ever see the image we form of the world. Most people see reality through the dark glasses of problems.

But as soon as we stop using them, all of the difficulties suddenly disappear. Then there are only situations, circumstances and events, but no more problems.

And everything is always “one.” Luck for the better". It is about exploring the wonderful gift of “life”.

For too long we have lived in the “illusion of the self”. We don't know why we are here and because we don't have a clear goal, we can't live nor “lead”. Only when we “come to consciousness”, i.e. awaken to ourselves, does our true self begin live.

Therefore it is urgent necessary and inevitable, to come to terms with ourselves and our purpose in life and to accept our true spiritual inheritance. This is the only way we get from the job to the vocation, erfahren, what “love” really is and love everyone as they are.

Source: World in Change.TV

The wondrous power of your thoughts

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  1. Pingback: Where everyone thinks the same thing - sayings of the day

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