Last updated on August 22, 2021 by Roger Kaufman
About life and letting go
Letting Go of Life “Death is simply the exit from the physical body in the same way a butterfly emerges from its cocoon.” - Elisabeth Kübler Ross
Letting go of life – insights into the afterlife
Life After Death: Scientific Evidence – Bernard Jakoby
When a Man When someone is about to die, a number of phenomena occur, some of which relatives find difficult to explain.
The dying person suddenly begins to notice people in the room that others do not see. He sometimes describes entrances to the afterlife.
In the last hours before his TodAccording to relatives, dying people are usually filled with a strong inner light, which family members misinterpret as a sudden improvement in their health.
But with that Tod it's far from over. The renowned death researcher Bernard Jakoby reports on the scientific findings in an interview with Robert Fleischer Near-death experiences. Consciousness continues to exist independently of the body and experiences an expansion of perception.
Life After Death: Scientific Evidence – Bernard Jakoby