Last updated on February 4, 2022 by Roger Kaufman
Like you in an honest way welcomed – Wie geht es dir?
Wie geht es dir? Sometimes effect a few words a lot with the other person.
It's not just what you say, but how you say it.
- What is the occasion?
- What connection is there?
- Do you want to communicate yourself or give support to others?
The Communication has many faces and many Facets.
It's not always the deeper one Sinn recognizable at first moment.
It is therefore worth taking a closer look behind the scenes.
Ea simple question and numerous ways to answer - Hello, How are you?
Without it seeming too philosophical: you are asked a clear question and you don't know how to answer it.
Maybe you feel the same way.
I ask, how are you, what should I answer?
You think about it, you hesitate and the carousel of thoughts begins.
All-natural could be answered briefly and succinctly. I'm doing well.
Everything is OK or thanks for asking. Maybe you answer so quickly so that no deeper questions are asked.
It's often the case that you don't want to reveal too much about yourself.
Maybe you're just in a hurry or you don't think the other person is really interested anyway.
Often it is simply a form of politeness or a casual phrase.
There doesn't have to be a genuine interest, but it certainly could be.
It is now important to differentiate here.
Perhaps this is exactly where the truth lies Challenge.
Who is really interested in my situation and in me?
Possible examples of how are you
How are you really? | Get to know
When asked “how are you” most people answer “fine”, even though that is often not the case at all.
I asked strangers how they were really feeling. Write your answers to the questions in the comments. 🙂
Hi how are you? A few kind words for good well-being
Even if the conversation isn't necessarily deep, it can still have a big impact.
A few kind and encouraging words are ultimately always a consolation.
- Maybe you can finally do it again Courage.
- Maybe this will open a new chapter. It's not uncommon for the real ones to begin friendships in a simple way.
- But also contact with new people People can therefore be easily made to work.
- So it's worth approaching other people openly and kindly.
- You enjoy life much better and maybe even feel freer and clearly a little better than before.
- Talking just feels good, makes more than a small difference.
Much more than a greeting – how are you doing differently ask
Languages connect and gestures convey a feeling of home, joy or security.
If you have one old When you meet a friend or acquaintance again, the greeting will be much warmer than when you dutifully say “Hello” to a rather unloved colleague.
You can see the affection of the individual people not only in their words, but also in their body language.
Big open ones gestures seem inviting, whereas a serious face is more likely to be unwelcoming.
If you simply say colloquially: Hello, are you well, you are unlikely to expect a deep conversation.
It is simply a short shout, without any further meaning.
However, this can be completely different. A whole hope can be in a few words.
Maybe you haven't seen each other in years, the connection was interrupted or a small, stupid argument caused confusion.
Finally, conversations are possible again. Finally there is a welcome again.
This can serve as a starting point for everything else that could now obviously arise.
In this respect, interaction is important.
Not only the person asking the question shows interest, the person giving the answer can also achieve a lot with a few words.
An honest answer is comfort and hope - Hello, how are you?
Some people are closed off. You can't talk about yourself, or you can talk only slowly.
The real feelings deep in secret. This makes it all the more important that you never give up hope.
This rejection is often interpreted as ignorance or arrogance.
However, this is usually not the case.
Rather, it is the fear of opening up.
So that no one remains permanently alone, friendships should not be given up Love relationships should be maintained constantly.
Here too, hope is a strong driving force.
Conversations are the basic requirement. As banal as it may sound: talk, talk and talk again.
The beginning of a conversation is particularly difficult.
You don't want to impose yourself and still show that you are serious.
You are genuinely and honestly interested.
Most people find this attention very beneficial.
After all, we are all social creatures who pay attention to the environment and need immediate feedback.
For example, you feel alone, strange in a new environment or simply not understood.
As long as you're asked how you're feeling and how things are going in general, that's good.
Even small gestures can make a difference large mean attention.
This gives kraft and can even help wounds heal. After all, bridges are much better than building them new Barriers.
Ask and answer in a very relaxed, colloquial way - How are you doing?
The draws people largely his language. It doesn’t matter whether it is the official language or you choose the colloquial language.
Of course, the occasion should be appropriate. The type of answer depends on this.
It doesn't always have to be the complete sentence with subject-predicate-object placement. Sometimes a short, succinct answer is enough.
Sometimes a single word is enough. An “OK” is for Example the sign for “goes like this”. You don't want to go into more detail about the situation.
However, there is no reason to Concern. Practically everything is the same, there is nothing worth mentioning.
If you have the impression that the situation is more complicated and you are really interested in the person you are talking to, a certain amount of sensitivity is required.
Hello, how are you “Talking Tom”
Source: Max05127
Of course, asking questions should not turn into an interrogation.
So with a little consideration and piety you are well advised.
Slow approaches are much better than making big announcements.
The mere fact of receiving an honest answer speaks for a relationship of trust.
This can be expressed in a variety of ways.
Just like in a foreign language, a wide variety of vocabulary exists.
Pay attention not only to the words, but also to the attitude.
Maybe the conversation is simply not possible, inappropriate, or unwanted at that exact moment.
Perhaps the topic would stray too far and one would like to tell the story at a later date.
Something is best Patience and then an appointment for a detailed discussion, if you are really interested.
After all, open conversations need theirs Time.
Is everything okay with you? - Hello, how are you? In other words
Sometimes you want to help, but you don't know how to act or what to do.
If in doubt, we recommend asking specifically.
Not everyone dares to admit that there is a problem.
Shame is the greatest companion, especially in a seemingly hopeless situation. Completely wrong.
After all, everyone knows unpleasant situations or strong inner feelings conflicts.
Simply showing sympathy is a meaningful step.
Afterwards we can think together about what things can be changed or what assistance can be considered.
Of course, everything is never perfect. Everyone has to deal with the daily challenges to fight.
But you can also make it a little easier.
This kind of belonging is what is supposed to signal a question of well-being.
A short introduction to contacting you - How are you doing?
How do i ask questions correctly?
Somehow you want to start a conversation, but you don't know how to start.
So it's best if something completely irrelevant is addressed first.
A few phrases, some simple small talk and then you can explore further.
Even if it doesn't seem particularly imaginative, the current mood is always a good topic.
It's just part of being yourself for other people to be interested and at least pretend to take it very seriously.
Of course, this does not always apply.
Nevertheless, a few words are spoken, you smile politely and a start has been made.
Deep emotions and big ones Stories are just as unlikely to be expected as a whole story of suffering.
Instead, an answer is given, usually followed by a counter question and the prerequisites for everything else are created.
Either we will continue to talk or we will go our separate ways again.
Reveal yourself – why do you ask “How are you”?
Of course, how you treat others and how you present yourself to others always has to do with your own ideas.
Maybe you don't want to be asked about certain topics?
It's quite possible that exactly these topics don't come up for discussion with other people either.
Hidden messages are either negated or, conversely, overrated.
The interpretation of things can always be in different ways the erfolg.
Of course, your individual form on the day is also crucial.
Perhaps a similar or identical scenario would have been assessed completely differently a few weeks or months ago.
The own Experience influences behavior towards the environment.
Unfortunately, an objective view is not always possible.
Zu positive and too negative Ratings also carry a certain amount of danger.
Very emotional people could be shown sometimes gets in your own way.
How are you? sign language
Series: first communication with deaf people. Look up too
Source: equalizent Vienna
Alternative to how are you?
Imaginative answers have a loosening effect
The same questions over and over again and these monotonous answers over and over again.
In the long run, such a condition can become a real burden.
It gives the impression that the groundhog is literally attacking everyone Tags greet you again.
So is inventiveness and a good portion Humour asked so that this vicious circle can be escaped.
You want to make a statement and of course stand out a little.
In this sense, a good answer to the question how to do it is needed.
Insults or hostility should be avoided.
But perhaps this way it becomes obvious that the question is simply unnecessary and that no one expects an honest answer anyway.
So you're looking for great answers.
Funny sayings How are you for 2022
It would be best to have several of these at once claims to have ready. Irony is just as popular as a light form of sarcasm.
Of course, this reaction has not only existed since 2022.
Also in the Past There were always small rebellions against the monotony of: Hello, how are you.
There are definitely differences in the individual countries. If you look at Italy, for example, a greeting without “Come stai”, or “Come sta”, “Come va” is unthinkable.
This kind of appreciation for the conversation partner is part of it.
You don't need to go into more detail about it think and don't make quick-witted sayings how to think up.
Instead, a simple “bene” follows and everything is fine.
In the German countries the situation is a little more complicated and perhaps a little more tense.
Here you take a closer look, more background is required here.
And just as the expectations are great, the reluctance can be just as great for this form of greeting .
Spontaneous funny Answers are therefore sometimes much more welcome than honest conversations, which can be very substantive.
Ultimately, honest answers always require your undivided attention.
You have to think your way into the complex psyche and of course you don't want to do anything wrong.
You can still remember the deal in 2021oldsrules of good old Mr. Etiquette.
Especially in today's world These are still very useful at the moment Rules of conduct and decency are attached.
This is how you can look good in 2021 too.
That is always certain hope present, to be treated the way you treat those around you.
Some people are so innovative Saying Be that as it may, you should better consider whether it is the right decision.
The importance of words – listen and react
Every action requires a certain reaction. Even if it doesn't seem like it at first glance.
There are almost always precise ideas about the individual scenarios in advance. You are aware that everything has consequences.
Perhaps it is precisely because of this fact that we act the way we ultimately decide.
But there are also exceptions. Not everything is predictable. There may be a sudden change.
Sometimes incidents occur that have completely different consequences. In these cases there is a high level of Flexibility required.
You can't always calculate. Sometimes it is just the feelings that cause the action.
This can quickly result in a conflict. Listening is even more important.
Approaching something without bias can only be recommended.
This results in new perspectives, which often result in a better view of things.
Have good conversations
Talking almost always helps and of course almost everyone appreciates important and entertaining conversations.
After all, in this way you can communicate, create interrogation and demonstrate your belonging.
That would be without conversations live much poorer.
This is also an important reason why you learn vocabulary and deal with foreign grammar.
Always with the great hope of finally being able to master the new language and achieve a good to very good language result.
In any case, we are all becoming very strong guided by hope. You also want to make a greeting positive.
That's why you expect a good answer to the question of how you feel anyway.
Somehow you don't want to let it ruin your day or worry about the problems and Provide to annoy fellow human beings.
Unfortunately, this also makes you a bit superficial. Perhaps this is because the pain would otherwise be too dominant.
You want to push the problems aside and consciously ignore them.
A Time This repression mechanism works for a long time.
It is even correct to a certain extent. However, you shouldn't become numb.
It has to be decided on a case by case basis.
This will make it easier to see how each one works Right now is to act.
The importance of seemingly trivial matters
At first glance, it is not always clear what really matters.
Small touches can sometimes be much more important than big gestures.
Sometimes it's enough for you to just be there and listen.
This is the need for people to communicate wichtig for maintaining the health of the entire organism.
If you can't talk and aren't listened to, you'll get sick more quickly.
You feel lonely and almost lost.
Therefore, you should always come into contact with other people. No shyness and no false pride.
Even small gestures are important.
Anyone who realizes that they are important and that another person needs them draws strength and energy Energy.
This is important for coexistence and the entire coexistence.
Connecting languages – greeting how are you?
Vocabulary is the prerequisite for the conversation.
A rich vocabulary means that establishing contact is much easier.
Small details come to light and you can proceed better and, above all, more specifically.
Asking is just as important.
This way you can make targeted connections.
If a situation does not seem entirely logical or it fehlen individual building blocks, can be responded to better and in a more structured way.
However, you cannot control the feeling for the other person with vocabulary alone.
This requires sensitivity, Experience important and also a quick comprehension.
If these components are in place, you will be able to cope with the different languages better.
Ultimately, hope always drives us forward Understanding without incident and others Problems.
If all of these are mastered, the entire life together becomes much easier and more pleasant to manage.
This way you can ask more often how it works and what you can do for the other person.
This feeling strengthens, so that even complicated situations become much easier to deal with.
How are you in German – How are you? – How to Respond? translation
Source: lingoni GERMAN
52 Alternatives to “How are you?” Vocabulary trainer
- How's it going?
- Wie geht es dir?
- Exactly how are you?
- How are you?
- what's new
- Are you okay?
- How do you do?
- How is it going?
- Are you all right?
- What's On?
- How do you really feel?
- What's sizzling?
- Long time no see!
- What's brand new for you?
- Must be hard, right?
- Is there anything interesting in yours lately? live happened?
- How does that cross live?
- Was machst du?
- What has been the highlight of your day so far?
- Exactly how was your day?
- What have you done since we last spoke?
- Exactly how are you progressing?
- How's it going?
- Is there anything that worries you?
- What's the latest craze in your world?
- What's On?
- What's new with you?
- How have you been?
- how is everything?
- Exactly how is it going?
- Hey, hello man
- What do you have today Did what you would like to do every day?
- What do you recognize today that you really didn't recognize yesterday?
- Let me know about something that interests you Lachen has brought.
- Did anything frustrate you?
- What was the best point that occurred?
- Did you discover anything interesting?
- What made you grin?
- What's the most creative thing you've ever done?
- Have you done something for someone?
- Did someone do something for you?
- Have you been worried about anything?
- What was the hardest part of your day?
- Instruct me about something you discovered.
- Why were you happy?
- Has anything made you unhappy?
- What's wrong with you? glücklich made?
- Was someone gone?
- What are you reading?
- Have you seen anyone who was sad?
- Have you helped someone?
- How would you rate your day 1 to 10?
36 matching quotes, how are you? That make you think – welcome tips
Personally, one of the main reasons why I Quotes likes how reliable they can be.
Quotes are usually simplified and easy to consider, and they reflect what remains in our hearts.
Furthermore, I believe that Quotes are really efficient to make yourself much better as they your Mind/Spirit help you focus on specific topics at the same time.
In contrast to other literary tools offer quotations and especially short quotes, the ability to focus on a concept without outdoor distractions.
Quotes are extremely effective.
On the surface, it's just a lot of words, but when you think about it, they reveal powerful concepts that resonate with your very core.
“Try to be a rainbow in a cloud.” - Maya Angelou
“There is no substitute for effort.” - thomas edison
“Wanting to be someone else is a waste of who you are.” – Kurt Cobain
“The time is always best to do the right thing.” - Martin Luther King Jr.
“May your options reveal your hopes, not your worries.” - Nelson Mandela
“A delighted one Soul is the best guard for a harsh world.” –Atticus
“White is not always bright and black is not always dark.” – Habeeb Akande
“Joy relies on ourselves.” - Aristotle
“If the world were blind, would the number of individuals impress you?” – Boonaa Mohammed
“When words don’t work anymore, music speaks.” – Shakespeare
“Accept the wonderful mess that you are.” —Elizabeth Gilbert
“Normality is a paved road: it is comfortable to walk, but no flowers grow.” - Vincent van Gogh
“I have absolutely nothing to lose and something to gain.” - Eminem
""Love for everyone, hate for none.” – Khalifatul Masih III
“Change the world by being yourself.” – Amy Poehler
“Every minute is one new beginning. " – TS Eliot
“Never apologize for something that made you smile.” - Mark Twain
“Whatever you can imagine is real.” - Pablo Picasso
“Simplicity is the ultimate in elegance.” - Leonardo da Vinci
“Whatever you do, do it well.” –Walt Disney
“What we believe we are in the end.” - Buddha
“All restrictions are self-imposed.” –Oliver Wendell Holmes
""Hard times never last, no matter how hard it may be.” – Robert H. Schüller
“Problems are not stop indications, they are standards.” – Robert H. Schiuller
“One day people who don’t even believe in you will let everyone know how they satisfied you.” – Johnny Depp
“If I have a real one History “I won’t start with my name.” - Kendrick Lamar
“If you tell the truth, you don’t have to pay attention to anything.” - Mark Twain
“Have enough courage to begin and enough heart to finish.” – Jessica NS Yourko
“Hate comes from intimidation, of Love comes from gratitude.”- Tyga
“However, if I could agree with them, then we would both be wrong.” –Harvey Spectre
“Oh, the important things you can discover if they are not left behind.” - Dr. Seuss
“Be so great that they can’t miss you.” – Steve Martin
“Dream as if you were going to live permanently, as if you were today to die would.” –James Dean
“Absolutely nothing lasts permanently, but a minimum of us have these memories.” – J Cole
“Don’t you understand that your Error are a true blessing?” - Kendrick Lamar
"The Truth is false, dreams are real.” –Tupac
How to ask “How are you?” In English, how are you?
- How's everything?
- How's it going?
- How are you? things?
- What's up? — Around the year 2020, everyone, everywhere was saying this — thanks to this ad.
- How are you doing?
- What's new? …
- Are you all right?
Source: English with LinguaTrip!
Greeting in Thai Thai for beginners
Source: Jacky Kanokwan
In French, how are you and asking how you are? dictionary
Source: French tutoring
In Italian how are you? Thanks good. And you? dictionary
Source: Learn Italian with Tiziana l ́Italiana
In Spanish, how are you? Learn Spanish for beginners
How are you, what are you doing? – in Turkish translation with Zadiel
Source: Zadiel Sasmaz
What does it mean, how are you in Russian
How are you doing? How are you? Learn Russian.
Learn Better Russian
In this video we will learn how we ask how we are and how we can answer the question.
How are you Chinese – Understand Chinese
Learn Chinese – Lesson 1 – Hello, how are you?
Source: Useful Chinese with Chris
FAQ: how are you? For quick readers
Answers to “how are you”?
1. I'm doing great.
2. You can also shorten “good” when you feel relaxed.
3. Or Pretty good.
4. You can also say I'm fine.
5. yes, it's going well
6. Hey man, long time no see
Another word for “how are you”?
1. How is it going?
2. What's new?
3. How does this cross live?
4. What's new for you?
5. Exactly how is it going?
6. What are you doing?
How are you in another language?
1. How are you? English
2. Comment allez-vous? French
3. Come on? Italian
4. How does he meet you? Dutch
5. What is it? Spanish
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