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What is the opposite of letting go?

What is the opposite of letting go?

Last updated on April 18, 2022 by Roger Kaufman

The tension between holding on and letting go

The opposite of letting go is also justified. Your live and the world around you is not just black and white.

The simple formula of letting go of supposedly bad things and holding on to good things only works to a limited extent in the colorful reality with its infinite gradations.

As in other areas of life, the tension between holding on and letting go often follows the motto that the dose makes the poison.

Letting go means giving up responsibility

Mother and daughter have good conversations on a bench in the park

It is often not easy to make and implement decisions. Your thoughts and feelings support change.

Insecurity is always a loyal companion. Letting go involves giving up responsibility and Trust to invest as an advance.

Your Experiences and your life situation show you again and again that you maintain and gain security by sticking to your point of view and behavior.

The opposite of Let go helps you in a static way to master the demands and tasks of your everyday life. In a dynamic way live the parameters change.

What is today what is right can be outdated and even wrong tomorrow. You are constantly being asked to examine the real situation and flexibly adjust your attitude.

When balancing Holding on and letting go Changing circumstances and your personal experience have a permanent impact.

Your decision for something is always a decision against countless alternatives. You need an inner ethical compass, a kind of character guideline.

Holding on as the opposite of Letting go is not bad per se and vice versa. Your life moves between these two causally value-free poles.

The balance of the social relationship groups

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Balance create between happiness and unhappiness

Few circumstances in life show you so obviously the swing between holding on and Let go like your social relationships.

Family, friends, acquaintances, colleagues and all interpersonal contacts are constantly in motion. You can roughly divide this braid into two groups. Your relationship is a biological fact.

You can usually only influence the static basis of the connection to a limited extent.

Figuratively speaking, it is possible for you to set impulses within guard rails. Closer or looser relationships always remain connected to a fundamental common path and life trajectory.

You can only influence work colleagues and contacts who are part of your economic existence if you have the choice between holding on and Let go to your existential level.

The conflict between security and freedom is particularly strong in this area of ​​life. The third and, in principle, voluntary balance is to chat with friends and acquaintances.

Best friends and casual acquaintances illustrate the tendencies of holding on and letting go.

This rough typification of your social relationship groups is further complicated by many mixed forms and dependencies.

Hold on or let go – The opposite of letting go

Clinging to barbed wire

Past, presence and future

Whether you hold on and let go want and should, is particularly noticeable in the area of ​​tension between your past and present.

Changes and events require you to evaluate and, if necessary, make adjustments that will also have an impact in the future.

This requirement becomes very obvious when your child is with you older, and gets bigger. To put it bluntly, the time will come at some point when you will no longer be able or willing to hold on to your child's hand.

As in this case, letting go is not the exact opposite of holding on. As a partial aspect, letting go demands a change from you, similar to an impulse and correction.

In your interpersonal relationships Relations You can even have the opposite effect by letting go. You release details and thereby maintain the bond.

If your world were only black and white, the opposites of rigid holding on and careless letting go would be irreconcilably opposed.

meaningful Letting go occurs, if you decide against bad habits. Responsible holding provides protection and helps bring knowledge into experience wisdom to transform.

Weighing things up and calculating consequences – the opposite of letting go
Few questions in life consist of more complex connections than the question of whether the opposite
Letting go consists of holding on.

The symbiotic interweaving of your existence requires constant consideration.

In few areas this is more evident than in the world of work. Already
the starting conditions cannot be more unequal.

Maybe you work to live or you live to work. In this area, you can see holding on as a promise of security, while letting go provides freedom.

All you have left to decide whether to let go or the opposite is to carry out your personal risk assessment.

For every decision you pay a price that you can weigh up and then accept. Smoke candles that are as toxic as they are seductive raise thoughts about comfort, habit and convention.

Holding on can be interpreted as fear, letting go as Courage. These ratings assume that there are
there is a better or worse opposite of letting go and vice versa.

Only one person determines good and bad – you.

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