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Love that doesn't let go

Love that doesn't let go

Last updated on September 7, 2022 by Roger Kaufman

How you can let go and find new solutions

Love that won't let go - Letting go is often one of the most difficult tasks we have to overcome in life.

We all have our own reasons why we can find it so hard to let something go.

We may be afraid of losing control or that we don't know how to move forward without that person or thing.

If you find yourself in a situation where you have something let go but you don't know how, then you've come to the right place.

In this article I will give you some tips on how to let go and find new solutions.

of Love that won't let go - In the traditional flower language it says:

“Just as the chicory always turns towards the sun, I will not let anything distract me from you and give you love with my heart, body and soul!”

Chronic intestinal and stomach problems - love that won't let go

Love sayings - Love is like a warming fire that illuminates us and gives us security.
Love that doesn't let go | Love that cannot be lived

Talk about the desire, which is inherent in early childhood, to be loved and fed and to be able to force others to do this.

The underlying self-pity and that can also result in intestinal constipation and hard stools.

You are a friendly, helpful person Man with a strong sense of family. You take touching care of your relatives.

In your willingness to help, you often put your own needs aside and can literally sacrifice yourself for others.

Since you have a strong aversion to being alone, you want the people you love, always have around you.

However, your constant concern for the happiness and well-being of others is in reality no charity, but pure Self-love.

Can you say about yourself:

  • I only ever think about the well-being of others;
  • I make myself Provide about the people close to me, I try to help them whenever possible;
  • I make well-intentioned suggestions to them and I try to implement them using all means possible;
  • My feelings are very easily hurt;
  • I'm easily offended when someone doesn't do what I want;
  • I'm afraid, im Age to be alone;
  • I often force my good deeds on others and am quickly offended if my help is rejected;
  • I only meant well, and now you're hurting me;
  • What would you be without me;
  • What haven't I done for you?
  • What would you be without me?
  • Where is the thanks?
  • I believe I can reclaim what I have done for others.

Let go learn now: Let go of all control step by step.

Parents who believe that they are what they want for their Children what you have done, can reclaim it again, that is a misconception that has nothing at all to do with letting go and learning.

The goal is to let go internally and externally, to be flexible in all possible areas of life. Letting go of the old and embracing the rhythm of life to adjust.

It's best to forget all justification, interference and claims to power.

As you may know, this is possible, just like forgetting a name, isn't it?

Giving without expecting or needing anything in return. To be born within yourself.

  • I give without demanding;
  • I release what I have held;
  • I respect them boundaries every human being;
  • I draw on the full;
  • I find security in myself.

Love that doesn't let go - Supporting methods for learning to let go are:

  • physical relaxation exercises;
  • massages;
  • Breathing exercises.

Physical relaxation exercise

In this Video Wolfgang shows you how you can reduce your stress with a few simple exercises.

Wolfgang first explains what happens in the body when we are under stress.

And this is based on a saber-toothed tiger in the Stone Age. In a flight or fight situation, the hormones adrenaline and cortisol are released in the human body.

These hormones cause blood pressure and heart rate to increase.

And that more fats and carbohydrates are sent into the bloodstream. Digestion and the immune system are shut down.

All-natural a lot more happens. Among other things, your senses are also sharpened. The human body becomes ready for this important Situation.

The physical activity that follows such a situation, in our example flight or fight, causes the hormones to break down again.

Hopefully not by the saber-toothed tiger...

Exactly the same thing happens too todaywhen you are under stress.

Your body releases adrenaline and cortisol. It doesn't always have to be a life-threatening situation.

The big difference to the situation in the Stone Age is that today we do not do any physical activity after the hormones are released.

And the hormones stay in the body longer. And in the worst case scenario, it needs to be continually built up.

For example, you could go running after a stressful situation. That works too. But Wolfgang shows you a Qi Gong program that you can use to reduce stress.

From the perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the heart meridian and the circulatory meridian are required in stressful situations.

And the kidney energy, your life battery, is reduced.

When the kidney energy is completely used up, a so-called burn out occurs.

The five simple Qi Gong exercises that Wolfgang shows you influence exactly these meridians: heart, Liver and kidney.

Afterwards you will get to know acupuncture points with which you can deepen the effect of the exercises: This More of calm, the circulatory points and the kidney points.

Of course, you can also press these points before, during or after a stressful situation without doing the five exercises.

Have fun with our Qi Gong program Stress dismantle.

Here is the promised link to our Qi Gong course for Beginner (in German):

Simply live better
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Love that doesn't let go | let go of what you can't change

Letting Go Hypnosis – How you can let go and find new solutions

Let go and build relaxation reflexes – this is hypnosis – like letting go – ideas, consistently set solutions and creative change processes in motion. Implementation:

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Love that doesn't let go | sometimes you have to let go of what you love

Love that doesn't let go - why is that so important?

56 love sayings to think about

If you don't learn to let go, love dies. If you are wondering whether or not to let go of love, listen to your heart. It will give you the correct answer. Love is a beautiful feeling, but it is important to realize that it will not always last. However, if you put your mind to it, you can learn to enjoy love while it lasts and then seek out new adventures when it's over.

Love that doesn't let go - Why do we hold on?

a pair of red flowers - love sayings to think about

Fear of being alone. Sometimes it's hard to let go of the person or situation we're clinging to. We can ask ourselves why we hold on so tightly to something that isn't good for us, but it's not always so easy to let it go. When we hold on to something, it's like we're protecting ourselves. We fear what might happen if we let go. We may also wonder whether we will ever be loved again if we end the current relationship.
There are many reasons why we hold on to something that is not good for us. Often it is a mixture of fear and uncertainty. We can also hold on to the good in the person or situation and hope that everything turns out well.

I hope this article helped you better understand why we cling to love.

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