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How meditation rebuilds the brain

How meditation rebuilds the brain

Last updated on August 4, 2023 by Roger Kaufman

The Wonders of Meditation: How It Rebuilds the Brain

Like meditation rebuilds the brain - meditation has had a firm place in numerous cultures and religions for thousands of years.

Today, this practice has also become established in Western societies as an important part of personal health care and stress management.

But what exactly happens in our brain when we meditate? How works Meditation on the structure and function of our brain? Let's explore this together.

Neuroscience has made remarkable advances in recent decades, giving us a deeper understanding of the effects of Meditation on the brain enable.

Through the use of modern imaging procedures Like magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), researchers have shown that meditation can actually change brain structure - a process called neuroplasticity.

Neuroplasticity and meditation | How meditation rebuilds the brain

At the seaside woman sitting in lotus meditating.
How Meditation Rebuilds the Brain | Meditation for beginners

Neuroplasticity refers to the brain's ability to change over time to change life and reorganize.

The brain is not rigid, but more like a dynamic, adaptable muscle. With everyone Experience, every fact learned or skill practiced, we shape and change our brain.

Meditation, particularly mindfulness-based meditation, appears to harness and promote this neuroplasticity in specific ways. It can not only change the structure of the brain, but also its function influence positively.

Changes in brain structure | How meditation rebuilds the brain

Brain structure
Changes in brain structure | How meditation rebuilds the brain

Studies have shown that regular meditation reduces the density of gray matter can increase in certain brain regions.

One of these regions is the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for higher cognitive functions such as decision making, problem solving and emotional regulation.

For long-term meditators, this area is often denser and stronger networked.

Another change occurs in the hippocampus, an area of ​​the brain that plays a key role in memory and learning.

Again, studies have found an increase in gray matter in people who meditate regularly.

Changes in brain function

Brain examined from the side
Changes in brain function | How meditation rebuilds the brain

But not just the structure, also the function Brain is influenced by meditation.

Studies show that meditation can reduce activity in the amygdala, a brain region strongly linked to emotional responses.

This could explain why meditation helps Reduce stress and promote emotional balance.

In addition, meditation appears to strengthen connectivity between different brain regions, resulting in improved cognitive skills and increased attention.

Are you tired of constantly going around in circles? How meditation rebuilds the brain

Woman standing by the sea meditating.
Are you tired of constantly going around in circles? How meditation rebuilds the brain

inspiration: The depth and diversity of meditation's effects on our brain can provide deep inspiration to set us on the path of attentiveness and of conscious being.

The realization that we have the power to positively change the structure and function of our brains is truly inspiring.

Emotional benefits: become smart and feel happy, what many people want.

The human brain is the most complicated machine in the universe 🙂

and the largest undiscovered area in the world lies between our two ears 🙂

How meditation rebuilds the brain

Often ours are thoughts not with what we're doing - or we get stuck in thought spirals and can't switch off even if we want to.

Meditation helps to become more calm, to calm the mind and to be in the here and there Become to live – even permanently!

Because regular meditation changes the brain, according to psychologist and brain researcher Dr. Britta Hölzel found out.

This makes it easier to manage stress, depression, anxiety disorders and even pain People become more empathetic.

Dr. Britta Hölzel “Meditation helps us happier and to lead a more fulfilling life,” says psychologist Dr. Britta Hölzel is convincing.

She discovered on a trip to India after graduating from high school Yoga and meditation for themselves; Since then, the topic hasn't let her go.

She meditates daily and studies how as a scientist Meditation on the human brain acts.

Your goal: take meditation out of the incense and esoteric corner and scientifically prove the positive effects with solid evidence.

Britta Hölzel lives in Munich and has a “Center for mindfulness” initiated.


Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction MBSR is a scientifically researched stress management program developed in the 1970s by molecular biologist Jon Kabat-Zinn.

The abbreviation stands for Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction stress reduction.

The MBSR-MBCT association website provides information about the concept and offers the opportunity to search for courses and qualified teachers.

Mindfulness in school Vera Kaltwasser is a teacher at a high school in Frankfurt and a trainer for QiGong and Mindfulness-Based Stress reduction (MBSR).

She has developed a concept with which mindfulness exercises can be integrated into everyday school life.

Information about this and further links can be found on their homepage.
Mindfulness in Munich The Center for Mindfulness is a network of recognized mindfulness course leaders and offers courses in Munich and the surrounding area to cultivate mindfulness and compassion in everyday life.

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Who Meditation rebuilds the brain

Meditation and transformation: 10 emotions that accompany your path

The journey into the world of meditation is more than just a practice, it is a journey of discovery of your own emotions, one's self and the infinite potential of the human brain.

This path of inner transformation is often associated with a variety of emotions and insights that profoundly shape our understanding and experience of ourselves and the world around us change can.

In this post, we explore ten emotions that can accompany you on your meditation journey and increase your awareness of the deep connection between meditation and change.

  1. Self-determination: The realization that you are through Meditation active can influence the structure and function of your brain, strengthens your sense of self-determination and control.
  2. Quiet: Meditation can help you achieve a state inner peace and to achieve serenity, which makes you more resilient to stress and challenges.
  3. mindfulness: The practice of meditation promotes mindfulness – the ability to be present and alert in the present moment. This can help you, your live to be more conscious and fulfilled.
  4. Curiosity: Knowing the neurological changes that can be brought about by meditation sparks curiosity and interest in this ancient practice.
  5. Patience: Meditation is a process and the changes in the brain don't happen overnight. Practice teaches you patience and perseverance.
  6. Hope: The brain’s capacity for neuroplasticity – to change and adapt – offers hope. It is never too late to make positive changes in your life and mindset.
  7. Satisfaction: Over time, regular practice of meditation can lead to increased feelings of contentment and well-being.
  8. Admiration: The human brain's ability to change and grow through practices like meditation is a source of admiration and wonder.
  9. Insight: Through the practice of meditation you can gain deep insights into your inner self and your thought patterns. This allows you to identify hindering habits and make positive changes.
  10. gratitude: Meditation's positive effects on the brain and well-being can bring about a deep sense of gratitude for this simple yet powerful practice.

FAQ: Frequently asked questions about meditation and brain change

How long should I meditate every day to see the benefits?

Are you tired of constantly going around in circles?

The answer may vary from person to person, but many studies show that just 15-20 minutes of daily meditation can have positive effects. What is particularly important is the regularity of practice.

What type of meditation is best for changing brain structure?

How meditation rebuilds the brain

There are many different types of meditation, including mindfulness meditation, transcendental meditation, guided meditations, and others. There is no “best” way, as the effects of meditation are often individual. Nevertheless, many studies show positive effects of mindfulness-based meditation practices on the brain.

How quickly can I expect changes in my brain through meditation?

Changes in brain function

Changes in brain structure through meditation are usually long-term changes and do not happen overnight. However, some studies show that positive effects on brain function can occur after a few weeks of regular meditation. It is important to be patient and focus on the process and practice, not the result.

What are the first signs that meditation is changing my brain?


This can vary, but some people report improved attention and concentration, increased emotional balance, reduced stress and improved well-being and satisfaction as early signs.

Are there any risks or disadvantages to using meditation to change your brain?

How to start meditating

Meditation is generally considered safe and beneficial. However, it is important that people with certain mental illnesses, such as PTSD or severe depression, consult their doctor or therapist before beginning a meditation practice. In some cases, meditation can bring up difficult emotions or memories, and these people may want to meditate under professional guidance.

Conclusion – How meditation rebuilds the brain

It's fascinating how that old The practice of meditation can have profound effects on our modern understanding of the brain.

Science is only beginning to discover and understand the many effects of meditation.

However, what is already clear is that through regular meditation we can not only improve our well-being, but also literally change the structure and function of our brain.

Meditation offers a powerful method to improve both our mental and... physical health to influence positively.

So why not now today start practicing? Your brain will thank you.

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