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Friday the 13th - your lucky day?

Friday the 13th – your lucky day?

Last updated on December 19, 2022 by Roger Kaufman

Friday the 13th is one of the unhappiest days of the year for many people.

Many people are afraid that something bad could happen to them on this day, but there are also people who see Friday the 13th as a lucky day.

They believe that everything that happens on this day can also have a good side.

Those who see Friday the 13th as a lucky day should try to have positive thoughts and not dwell on negative ones to let thoughts overwhelm you.

Positive thoughts are often contagious and create a positive environment. You can also try to start a positive routine on Friday the 13th that will always bring you good luck.

For example, on Friday the 13th you can make a special breakfast, start a new hobby, help other people or do something you have wanted for a long time.

It's important to find your own way to see Friday the 13th as a lucky day. By getting in the mood for this day with positive sayings and quotes, you can remind yourself that it is... live There is always a light, even if you sometimes forget to see it.

13 Friday the 13th sayings and quotes

Friday the 13th is a day marked by some negative connotations: bad luck, bad events and ominous omens. But there are also many positive sides. A Friday the 13th is a day when we can dwell on happiness, optimism and hope.

If you want to be inspired, I recommend you check out some Friday the 13th positive sayings and Quotations to watch.

This can help you prepare for a productive one to get in the mood for the day and the joy and anticipation of life to feel.

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Some of my favorite sayings include:

“Never close the door to your happiness – not even on Friday the 13th.” – JRR Tolkien

Friday the 13th calendar with saying: “Never close the door to your happiness – not even on Friday the 13th.” – JRR Tolkien
Nice saying Friday the 13th

“Friday the 13th is the whole year.” - Unknown

“No matter what date it is, always be positive and think only of the good.” – Joyce Meyer

“Friday the 13th is still better than Monday the XNUMXth.” - Unknown

Black cat with blue eyes and quotes: "Friday the 13th is still better than Monday the XNUMXth." - Unknown
The only unfortunate thing about Friday

“The only unfortunate thing about Friday the 13th is that on the 16th it’s Monday again.” - Unknown

“Whether a black cat is bad luck or not depends on whether you are a human or a mouse” – Max O'Rell

“If I had known it was the last time, I would have hugged you tighter.” - Unknown

Black cat with mouse and quote: "Whether a black cat brings bad luck or not depends on whether you are a human or a mouse" - Max O`Rell
Misfortune – cat and mouse

Two blondes meet and one says: “This year Christmas Eve falls on a Friday.” The other blonde replies: “Hopefully not on a 13.” - Unknown

“Positive thinking means looking forward to Friday the 13th last day to look forward to the working week.” – Unknown

“Friday the 13th is a day that only brings bad luck; many men also know it as a wedding day!” – Kaya Yanar

Black cat with saying: "Happiness is that I didn't even notice that yesterday was Friday the 13th." - Unknown
Are you superstitious?

“On Friday the 13th, coincidences become science.” - Unknown

“Lucky, I didn’t even notice that yesterday was Friday the 13th.” - Unknown

“I don’t care that today is the 13th! The main thing is that it’s finally Friday!” - Unknown

By such With quotes you can focus on the positive things in your life steer yourself and find yourself in a better mood.

I recommend that you look at Friday the 13th positively and... Luck to use it and be inspired by new ideas!

Funny ad – Friday the 13th

Are you superstitious too?

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Friday the 13.

Superstitions surrounding Friday the 13th

Similar to walking under a ladder, crossing paths with a black one Cat or if a mirror is damaged, many will last People hold to the belief that Friday the 13th, Unglück brings.

Although it is not certain when exactly this particular practice began negative Superstitious ideas have revolved around the number 13 for centuries.

While Western societies have traditionally associated the number 12 with efficiency (there are 12 months and also Star sign, 12 Labors of Hercules, 12 Gods of Olympus as well as 12 People of Israel, simply among other examples), its successor 13 has a long history as a sign of misfortune.

The ancient code of Hammurabi, as an example, reportedly removed a 13th legislation from its list of legal regulations.

Although this was most likely a typographical error, superstitious individuals often cite this as evidence of 13's historical negative associations.

Worry about the number 13 has also acquired a mental term: triskaidekaphobia

Triskaidekaphobia is the superstitious fear of the number thirteen. If it is severe, especially if those affected avoid and avoid everything that has to do with the number 13, it is referred to as an isolated or specific phobia in the medical sense.

Source: Wikipedia

Why is Friday the 13th bad luck?

black cat friday the 13th
picture of minorthreadsco on Pixabay

According to biblical custom, 13 guests attended the final Maundy Thursday dinner, consisting of Jesus and his 12 apostles (one of whom, Judas, had betrayed him). The following day was certainly Good Friday, the day of Jesus' crucifixion.

The seating plan at the Last Supper is said to have given rise to a historic Christian superstition that having 13 visitors at one table was a bad prophecy - specifically, that it was a death.

Although the unfavorable associations with Friday are weak, some have suggested that they additionally have roots in Christian tradition: Just as Jesus was crucified on a Friday, Friday was additionally referred to as the day on which Eve gave Adam the eventful apple Tree of understanding the day Cain killed his brother Abel.

Why Friday the 13th spelled ruins for the Knights Templar

Ruin club thirteen
picture of minorthreadsco on Pixabay | Friday the 13th original

Club thirteen

In the late 19th century, a New Yorker named Captain William Fowler (1827-1897) sought to eliminate the enduring prejudice surrounding the number 13 - and in particular the unwritten rule of not having 13 guests at a table - by creating a special Culture called Thirteen Club.

The group routinely ate on the 13th day of the month in room 13 of the Knickerbocker Cottage, a well-known watering hole that Fowler owned from 1863 to 1883. Before sitting down to a 13-course meal, participants certainly walked under a ladder and also under a banner that read “Morituri te Salutamus,” Latin for “Those of Us Who to die “Greetings”.

4 former US Presidents (Chester A. Arthur, Grover Cleveland, Benjamin Harrison and Theodore Roosevelt) would be added to the 13 club rankings at once or additionally.

Friday the 13th in culture

Friday the 13th in culture
picture of b0red on Pixabay | Friday the 13th Knights Templar

An important turning point in the background of the Friday the 13th fairy tale (not just the number 13) occurred in 1907 with the magazine of the novel Friday the 13th, created by Thomas William Lawson.

The book informed them History of a New York City financier who uses date superstitions to wreak havoc on Wall Street and kill in the market.

The spooky film Friday the 13th, released in 1980, introduced the world to a hockey mask-wearer named Jason and is perhaps the most well-known Example for the well-known superstitions in the background of pop culture. The film spawned numerous sequels, as well as comic books, novellas, video games, related merchandise, and countless horrific Halloween outfits.

The true stories behind classic scary films

What bad points were there on Friday the 13th?

On Friday, October 13, 1307, police officers of King Philip IV of France arrested numerous Knights Templar, a powerful spiritual and military order created in the 12th century to protect the Holy Land.

Imprisoned on charges of various illegal habits (but actually imprisoned because the king wanted access to their funds), many Templars were later listed. Some mention the connection with the Templars as the origin of Friday the 13th superstition, but like numerous legends, including the Templars and also their background, the fact remains sordid.

In modern times, Friday the 13th saw a number of stressful events, including the German bombing of Buckingham Palace (September 1940); the murder of Kitty Genovese in Queens, New York City (March 1964); a cyclone that eliminated more than 300.000 people in Bangladesh (November 1970); the loss of a Chilean Flying Force aircraft in the Andes (October 1972); the Tod of rap artist Tupac Shakur (September 1996) and the Costa Concordia cruise ship accident off the coast of Italy that killed 30 people (January 2012).

Superstitions about Friday the 13th

The Friday the 13. applies in folk beliefs as a day on which there are particularly many misfortunes can happen. The irrational one Furcht before a Friday the 13th , also known as Paraskavedekatriaphobia designated. This phobia In individual cases, this can lead to people affected canceling planned trips and appointments or not daring to get out of bed on Friday the 13th.

Source: Wikipedia

Analysis of accident data has shown that no more traffic accidents with serious property damage occur on a Friday the 13th than on a Friday the 6th or the 20th.

An investigation into the accident reports by the ADAC showed for the year 2009 that on the three Fridays on the 13th of a month the average number of accident reports was only 894, while on all other days an average of 975 accidents were reported.

An evaluation of the Zurich Insurance, that on Fridays falling on the 13th of a month, less claims recorded than on any other Friday of the year.

The lower or constant number of accidents on Friday the 13th compared to other Fridays could be due to an increased number of accidents Caution to avoid accidents.


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