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The 12 Best Quotes About Life | Quotes life

Last updated on March 8, 2024 by Roger Kaufman

In our modern world there are endless wisdom and quotes about life.

Here are 12 of the best, from well-known figures such as Charlie Chaplin, Henry Ford, Konrad Adenauer, Dorothea Schlegel, Max Planck, Mahatma Gandhi, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Norman Mailer, Mark Twain and Marcus Aurelus.

Life Quotes – The Secrets of Famous People

Atmospheric sunset with a view of the mountain range - Quote: Youth would be a more beautiful time if it came later in life. -Charlie Chaplin
Quotes joy of life

"The Youth “It would be a nicer time if it came later in life.” –Charlie Chaplin

“Every day you don’t smile is a day wasted.” – Charlie Chaplin

Charlie Chaplin remains one of the planet's best-known superstars, a self-proclaimed "clown" known to him for his comedy that was so enthusiastic and powerful that he was able to smile and giggle while frightened recognizable at any age.

What he is less known for is his compassion. Charlie was in distress and trouble born, which he used as energy to make people smile.

He appeared to himself Joy and Glück and also to focus on generosity.

“We have to learn to either treat each other as brothers live or perish as fools.” - Martin Luther King

Life Quotes- Don't try to force anything. Let life be a deep letting go. -Osho
The 12 best Quotations about life | Quotes life

An assassin's bullet interrupted the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., April 4, 1968, around 18 p.m. Although slaughtered, shot by a Remington rifle by James Earl Ray, the excellence as well as the master's sentences survive.  

In fact, the Rocky Mount lecture was included directly in the memorable “I Have a Dream” speech offered at the Advance Washington in August 1963.

He was in Age killed at the age of 39.

Whoever does what he already can, always remains what he already is. - Henry Ford

Quote: "Whoever does what he already knows how to do always remains what he already is." - Henry Ford - Lighthouse and beach at sunset
Quotes from life

Mr. Henry Ford was the founding father of the Ford Electric Motor Company.

Because of his Experience As a car manufacturer, he founded the Ford Electric Motor Provider in the summer months of 1903.

Henry Ford was born on July 13, 1863 and was indeed a pioneer of his Time. Henry Ford is up today known for its transformation in the auto industry through automation.

His concepts were to produce affordable, really good products on an assembly line and to provide workers with really good incomes.

This concept of great service has actually come to be known as “Ford-ism” as part of commercial transformation.  

"Take the People“As they are, there are no others.” - Konrad Adenauer

Man carries a woman in piggyback - Quotes Life - You stole my heart
The 12 best quotes about that live | Quotes life

“You have to treat everyone just a little bit better than they deserve; This is the easiest way to disarm them.” – Dorothea Schlegel

“Even a disappointment, if only thorough and final, represents a step forward.” - Max Planck

Sea coast with blue sky and quote: "Even a disappointment, if only thorough and final, means a step forward." - Max Planck
Quotes for life

Max Planck was 1900 years old in 42 when he made the famous breakthrough that won him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918 and won him several other awards.

It is actually not surprising that he did not later present results of similar importance.

However, he continued to provide in superior quantities various areas of optics, thermodynamics and statistical mechanics, physico-chemical composition as well as others areas.

In fact, he was also the first famous scientist to advocate Einstein's special theory of relativity (1905).

“Be yourself changethat you want for this world.” - Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi was born in India in 1869 and consequently embarked on a lifestyle that would certainly change his country's past and the globe for the better.

After studying legislation, Gandhi once campaigned for civil rights Indian and inevitably became “Bapu”, the father of the Indian independence movement.

But his nonviolent activism reached far beyond his homeland and became an international imperative. The oppressed around the world must join and Freedom and justify justice through peaceful protest.

“You can also build beautiful things out of stones that are placed in your path.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Quotes, wisdom

Johann Wolfgang Goethe was born on August 28, 1749 in Frankfurt am Main Kind born to a legal representative.

After maturing in a blessed upper middle class family, he analyzed regulation in Leipzig from 1765 to 1768, although he was much more curious about literary works.

Because he was actually seriously ill, he had to interrupt his studies, but eventually earned a degree in Strasbourg as well as a degree in Regel.

In the following years his novel “The Sufferings of boys Werther” (1774) became one of the first bestsellers and made him a key author in the “Storm and Fear” movement.

One of the most important landmarks of his life included the trip to Italy in 1786 and 1788, during which he found his passion for Greek and Roman classicism.

After his return to Germany, he began the “Weimar Classicism” campaign with his good friend Friedrich Schiller, focusing on poems as well as dramas such as his best-known work “Faust,” which he published in two components (1808/1832).

A woman reflects on the following quote - "Choose to be positive, it really feels a lot better." Dalai Lama
The 12 best quotes about life | Quotes life

“Dying can’t be that hard – everyone has done it so far.” – Norman Mailer

“You could do many Use Cases for senseless expenditure, but none is more appropriate than the construction of a cemetery wall. Those who are inside can’t go out anyway, and those who are outside don’t want to go in.” – Mark Twain

"The Tod smile at us all, the only thing you can do is smile back!” – Marcus Aurelius

23 more beautiful life quotes

Quotes life | 23 short quotes. Project:

Short Quotes and sayings about life.

One of the main reasons I use quotes liebe, is definitely that they can be precisely assigned.

Life saying short | Life quote ☀️are usually simplified and easy to remember and resemble what remains in our hearts.

Furthermore, I think that Quotations are very efficient for self-improvement as they help your mind to focus on specific challenge every time.

In contrast to other literary tools offer you quotes, especially short quotes, the opportunity to concentrate on a challenge without external interruptions.

Music: Lost Get Lost Kamil Guszczynski…#Quotes#Sayings#Wisdom

Roger Kaufmann Letting go Learn trust
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The 12 best Quotes about life | Quotes life

Sayings about life

  • "Life is like a book. Every day we write a new page.”
  • “Life is like a game. You can either win or lose.”
  • “Life is like a dance. If you don’t dance with the music, you’re missing out on the fun.”
  • “Life is like a puzzle. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.”
  • “Life is like a train. If you don’t go, you’ll miss the ride.”
  • “Life is like a crossword puzzle. Sometimes you don’t know what’s going to happen next.”
  • “Life is like a walk. If you stop, you’re dead.”
  • “Life is like a gift. You never know what you’re going to get.”
  • “Life is like a game of dice. You never know what’s coming next.”

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