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Sea with haze and free-flying birds - 34 Viktor Frankl quotes wisdom for resilience

34 Viktor Frankl quotes: wisdom for resilience

Last updated on January 15, 2024 by Roger Kaufman

34 Inspirational Viktor Frankl Quotes: wisdom of life for resilience and meaning-making explores the deep insights of a remarkable mind.

Viktor Frankl, a Holocaust survivor and influential thinker, left us a legacy that extends far beyond the boundaries of psychology.

His words not only offer comfort and hope, but also teach us how to build resilience in the most difficult times and find personal meaning in life.

This collection of his Quotes serves as a guide to help us look at daily challenges with a new perspective and find real meaning in every moment of our lives.

34 Inspiring Viktor Frankl Quotes: Life Wisdom for Resilience and Finding Meaning

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34 Inspiring Viktor Frankl Quotes: Life Wisdom for Resilience and Finding Meaning

“There is a space between stimulus and response. In this space lies our power to choose our response. In our reaction lies our growth and our Freedom."

The live keeps asking us questions. It is not life that asks us, but rather we who have to ask ourselves questions.”

“If you have a why to live, you can endure almost any how.”

"A Human is what he makes of himself.”

"of Love is the only way of serving that grants freedom.”

A flower grows out of a brickwork and quote from Viktor Frankl: "Life keeps asking us questions. It is not life that asks us, but it is we who have to ask ourselves questions."
34 Viktor Frankl quotes: wisdom for resilience

“Suffering is not necessary to find meaning; It is meaning that takes away the necessity of suffering.”

“If we don’t anymore change “We are challenged to change ourselves.”

“Man is the being who always decides.”

“Freedom is not the last but the penultimate freedom. The ultimate freedom is to choose the right posture.”

“The greatest gift you can give another person is pure, unconditional presence.”

Chess pieces with quote from Viktor Frankl: "Happiness cannot be pursued; it must happen."
34 Viktor Frankl quotes: wisdom for resilience

“Happiness cannot be pursued; it must be done.”

“A person who is fully aware that he for his life responsible can no longer be manipulated or conditioned by external conditions.”

“The last of human freedoms is the choice of attitude in any given situation.”

“What is needed is not a meaning for life in general, but that meaning of life of each individual.”

“Life does not ask us about our expectations, but rather presents us with challenges.”

Man with many question marks in the background and quote from Viktor Frankl: "A problem cannot be solved with the same way of thinking that created it."
34 Viktor Frankl quotes: wisdom for resilience

“Success, like happiness, cannot be pursued; they must occur, and do so as an unintended side effect of devotion to a cause greater than yourself.”

“A problem cannot be solved with the same mindset that created it.”

“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.”

“Suffering ceases to be suffering as soon as one finds meaning in it.”

“There is nothing in life to be feared, it is only to be understood.”

Woman suffering sitting on the floor and a shadow pointing at her. Quote: "Suffering ceases to be suffering as soon as one finds meaning in it."
34 Viktor Frankl quotes: wisdom for resilience

“The essence of man is not to be found in what he achieves, but in what he strives to become.”

“Our greatest enemy of freedom is fear, and the best way to overcome fear, is to kick her in the face.”

“To be human always means to be towards something, towards someone.”

“When we are no longer able to change a situation – as is often the case Life -, we are challenged to change ourselves.”

“No person should be judged by their life, because there is something in everyone Secret."

Person and quote from Viktor Frankl: "No person should be judged by their life, because there is a secret in every individual."
34 Viktor Frankl quotes: wisdom for resilience

“The question of the meaning of life is perhaps the most human question there is.”

“Every person is unique and irreplaceable.”

“A task that life waits for us is never as important as the task that life sets before us.”

“Life is like the game of chess: after every move the possibilities change.”

“The search for meaning is primary Motivation in man.”

Lotus flower and quote from Viktor Frankl: "It is not the search for happiness that fulfills us, but rather the devotion to a purpose, a love, a task."
34 Viktor Frankl quotes: wisdom for resilience

"In every moment of our lives we have an opportunity to do something that can make our lives more meaningful.”

“It is not the search for happiness that fulfills us, but rather the devotion to a purpose, a love, a task.”

“Every decision in daily life involves the question of whether we for life or decide against life.”

“The art of life lies in making the best of every situation.”

This Quotes reflect Frankl's deep insights into human nature and his belief that the pursuit of meaning and personal responsibility is at the center of a fulfilling life.

Viktor Frankl's Wisdom: Discover the Power of Letting Go in Difficult Times

Imagine a man who survived the unimaginable - Viktor Frankl, an Austrian psychiatrist who lived through the horrors of the Holocaust. His Experiences and insights are not only a testament to human resilience, but also a guide for all of us to find meaning and hope in the hardest of times. His perspective on this is particularly interesting Let go – not just from material things, but also from our deepest fears and expectations.

Frankl's life story and its meaning

Frankl was not only a witness, but also a victim of the terrible events of the Holocaust. In the darkest hours of his life, locked away in concentration camps, he discovered a profound truth: Even under the most extreme circumstances, we can choose how we respond to our situation. For Frankl, letting go meant accepting his reality, not as a form of abandonment, but as a way inner strength and find meaning.

Logotherapy and letting go

Frankl's logotherapy places the finding of meaning at the center of the human existence. It's about finding meaning in every situation, even the hopeless ones. The Letting go in the sense of logotherapy meansto free ourselves from the shackles of our own expectations and hopes. It's about accepting life as it is and still finding a way to make it meaningful.

Application to modern life

In your own life, you encounter stress and challenges every day. You often hold on to things, habits or relationships that are not good for you. Frankl's teachings can help you realize what it really means to let go. It is an act of liberation from the things that hold you back and the beginning of a path to true contentment and meaning in your life.

Personal reflections and calls to action

Perhaps you have already had experiences with letting go yourself. Think about how liberating it can be when you let go of old Separate loads. Frankl teaches us that even if we cannot change external circumstances, we always have a choice in how we respond to them. Start with small steps. Think about what you do in your life let go you can and set yourself the goal of doing this consciously.

And finally ...
Viktor Frankl showed us that letting go is one of the greatest challenges, but also one of the greatest opportunities in our lives. By learning to let go, we open up for new possibilities, meaning and fulfillment.

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