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Book, pen, ink, candles - 72 sayings to think about

72 sayings to think about

Last updated on December 31, 2023 by Roger Kaufman

Today I want to share something very special with you: a handpicked collection of 72 phrases to think about.

These sayings are more than just words – they are windows to deeper insights and mirrors of our own experiences and thoughts.

In our hectic everyday lives, we often forget to stop and think about the things that really matter to us.

Those collected here Wisdom offer us the opportunity to do just that. They invite us to pause for a moment, take a deep breath and embark on a journey of... self reflection and inspiration.

From ancient wisdom to modern thought-provoking ideas - everyone Saying in this collection is carefully selected to be thought provoking and perhaps even a new perspective to throw on our lives.

Join me on this journey through words that inspire, challenge and us encourageto think outside the box.

Moments of life: 72 words of wisdom for everyday life

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72 sayings to think about

"The Future depends on what we do today.”

"Everyone Sunset offers the chance to end the day in peace.”

“A smile is the shortest distance between two people People."

“The hardest trials in life are those that show us who we really are.”

“A smile is a window through which you can see if your heart is at home.”

Genie in the Bottle - Stress Sayings | 94 quotes and words of wisdom against stress
Sayings to think about life

"Every day is a new chance to do what you want.

“Life is not measured in breaths, but in moments that give us the Atem rob.”

"The Key to success is often the courage to begin.”

“It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not.”

“A friend is someone who knows the melody of your heart and plays it to you when you have forgotten it.”

“Knowledge is power, but enthusiasm puts knowledge in motion.”

Woman and quote: 26 Marcus Aurelius quotes wisdom for eternity
short sayings to think about

“Sometimes the right path ends in the most beautiful place.”

“The art of life lies in making a lot out of a little.”

“A clear conscience is a constant Christmas.”

“Nothing is as hard as life, but nothing is as instructive either.”

“You have to try the impossible to achieve the possible.”

Flower with Quote - 29 Profound Sayings Inspiration that touches the heart
72 sayings to think about

“The greatest wealth is contentment with little.”

“Time spent with joy is time well spent.”

“Sometimes you have to meet the wrong people to appreciate the right ones.”

“Don’t dream of a big life, live your big dream.”

"The World is a Book. If you never travel, you only see one side of it.”

Title page - The paths of wisdom lead through the desert. - Wisdom of the Bedouins
72 sayings to think about

“In every ending there is also a beginning.”

“The biggest risk is not taking risks.”

“Whoever knows his destination will find the way.”

“Success consists of having exactly the skills that are needed at the moment.”

“The most beautiful moments in life are those in which the heart beats out of joy and not out of habit.”

Rocky island
Sayings to think about for Whatsapp

“Success has three letters: DO.”

“Whoever fights can lose. Who does not fight has already lost."

“The happiness of your life depends on the nature of your life thoughts away."

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious."

"A day without a smile is a lost day."

Puzzle you can do it and quote “You must expect great things of yourself before you can do them.” - Michael Jordan
72 sayings to think about

“In silence you hear the truth.”

“Life is too short to hold grudges for long.”

"In the end everything will be fine. If it’s not good, it’s not the end.”

“The true path to happiness is to take care of others.”

“Give every day the chance to be the most beautiful of yours life to become."

Woman holds camera in front of her eye with quote: “Where there are two buddies with a bag, one sings, the other cries.” - Spanish proverb
72 sayings to think about

“We can't control the wind change, but set the sails differently.”

"Small steps lead to the goal.”

"Do not dream your life, live your dreams."

"Nothing is as constant as change."

“Whoever starts the day with a laugh has already won it.”

Laughing man with smyli. Quote: “Keep grinning, because life is beautiful and there is a lot to grin about.” - Marilyn Monroe
72 sayings to think about

“It is not a little time that we have, but rather a lot of time that we do not use.”

“The shortest path to yourself is around the world.”

"The best things in life are not the ones you get for money.”

“Strength does not come from physical strength – rather from indomitable will.”

“Happiness is the only thing that doubles when shared.”

Yellow flower with blue sky and quote: “Life is a series of lessons that must be lived to be understood.” - Helen Keller
72 sayings to think about

“Life is an echo. What you send out comes back.”

"The biggest Error in life is to constantly fear that you will make one.”

“Live as if you were going to die tomorrow. Learn like you live forever.”

“It is not the things themselves that worry us, but our perspective on those things.”

“Life is like riding a bike. To keep your balance you have to keep moving.”

Pieces of wood in the middle of a calm lake and the saying: “When you stop fantasizing, you stop living.” - Malcolm Forbes
Short sayings to think about

“Man plans and fate laughs.”

"The Secret The way to move forward is to take the first step.”

“The only way to do great work is to love what you do.”

"Real Freedom is to fear nothing.”

“Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, but about learning in it Rain to dance."

Sunrise, orange horizon by the sea, fishing boat and quote: “Be where you are, otherwise you will miss your life.” - Buddha
liebe phrases to think about

“Whoever does what he can do always remains what he already is.”

"Courage is at the beginning of action, happiness at the end.”

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”

“Sometimes you have to walk away from a person to keep the memory of your time with them.”

“Every person is an artist who can make his life a masterpiece.”

A man in the background is a city, thinks about sayings to think about feelings
life sayings to think about

“If you don’t dream of flying, you won’t grow wings.”

“The biggest decision of your life is that you can change your life by changing your mindset.”

"The shortest way between two People is a smile.”

“Life is not what you live, but how you interpret it.”

“Who himself faithful remains can never be anyone else.”

Woman at the bridge railing thinks about the families sayings to think about

"Life is like a book. Every day fate turns a new page.”

“It is not the years in our lives that count, but the life in our years.”

"One sees clearly only with the heart. The essential thing is for them Eyes invisible.

"The most beautiful things in life are not those that you can grasp with your hands, but those that you feel in your heart.”

“Happiness is like a butterfly. If we chase it we avoid it, but if we stay still it can land on us.”

“There are only two days a year when you can't do anything. One is yesterday and the other is tomorrow.”

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