Last updated on January 24, 2022 by Roger Kaufman
Live and let go to create new things
life experience - live or be lived
Buddhism says that nothing lasts, every moment turns into a new one.
The suffering we feel, the dissatisfaction, the dissatisfaction, does not come from the fact that we cannot hold on to something to bind it “forever,” but rather from the fact that we constantly try to do so.
Nothing stays the same, it has to be that way, otherwise there would be no life, no evolution, no Baby, which becomes a strong person, not a flower that becomes fruit.
If we accept that change is equal to life, that we let go to get something new, then we will go through our existence with peace and less suffering.
I often remember a friend who always said: “Quotes are a wonderful opportunity to discover completely new things about yourself.”
Accepting yourself means accepting both strengths and weaknesses within yourself.
Beautiful wisdom - wisdom of life - sayings and quotes - live or be lived
Source: Roger Kaufmann hypnosis coaching