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The 20 best quotes by Vera F. Birkenbihl. "We learn hardest when we concentrate on what interests us and what we enjoy." - Vera F. Birkenbihl

The 20 best quotes by Vera F. Birkenbihl | Wisdom

Last updated on March 8, 2024 by Roger Kaufman

Vera F. Birkenbihl has inspired and helped many people understand and improve their own learning through her work and concepts.

Their work has helped to make learning more effective and self-determined and to make better use of the brain's natural learning processes.

Many People see her as an important and inspiring personality in the field of learning and education.

Vera F. Birkenbihl had many positive qualities that made her a well-respected and respected figure in her field.

She was very passionate and committed to her work and always strived to make her concepts and methods as accessible as possible.

She has also done a lot to raise awareness of the importance of independent and effective learning.

She was also an excellent communicator and presented her ideas and concepts in an understandable and descriptive manner. She was also very creative and always looked for new and innovative ways to improve learning.

Vera F. Birkenbihl's inspiring words: A selection of her best quotes

Woman leans on the railing and quote: "If you're afraid of embarrassing yourself, you'll never learn anything new." - Vera F. Birkenbihl
The 20 best quotes by Vera F. Birkenbihl | Wisdom | Vera Birkenbihl lateral thinker

“We learn hardest when we concentrate on what interests us and what we enjoy.” – Vera F. Birkenbihl

"Creativity arises when we dare to tell our subconscious.” – Vera F. Birkenbihl

“Learning is a decision that everyone has to make for themselves.” – Vera F. Birkenbihl

“If you’re afraid of embarrassing yourself, you’ll never learn anything new.” – Vera F. Birkenbihl

“Learning is not just absorbing knowledge, but also understanding and applying it.” – Vera F. Birkenbihl

Skeleton and quote on flipchart: "Learning is a lifelong process, not a goal to be achieved." - Vera F. Birkenbihl
The 20 best quotes by Vera F. Birkenbihl | Wisdom

“You don’t have to know everything to be successful. You just have to know where to find the knowledge.” – Vera F. Birkenbihl

“Learning is a lifelong process, not a goal to be achieved.” – Vera F. Birkenbihl

“If you don’t change your thinking, you will always experience the same thing.” – Vera F. Birkenbihl

“Learning is an adventure journey on which we get to know ourselves and the world better.” – Vera F. Birkenbihl

“Learning is not only a skill but also an attitude.” – Vera F. Birkenbihl

Quote: "Creativity arises when we dare to communicate our subconscious." - Vera F. Birkenbihl
The 20 best quotes by Vera F. Birkenbihl | Wisdom

“If you stop wanting to be better, you stop being good.” – Vera F. Birkenbihl

“Thinking is difficult, that’s why most people judge.” – Vera F. Birkenbihl

Success is the art, that live to create without letting it shape you.” – Vera F. Birkenbihl

“The biggest problem with learning is not that we can’t do it, but that we often do it in ways that don’t really help us.” – Vera F. Birkenbihl

“Success is the result of good thinking, which is the result of good thinking wisdom and wisdom comes from experience.” – Vera F. Birkenbihl

Keyboard, book and quote: "Whoever does what he can do will always remain what he is." - Vera F. Birkenbihl
The 20 best quotes by Vera F. Birkenbihl | Wisdom

“Whoever does what he can do always remains what he is.” – Vera F. Birkenbihl

“The best way to get rid of a bad habit is to establish a better one.” – Vera F. Birkenbihl

“A problem is half solved when it is clearly stated.” – Vera F. Birkenbihl

“In every situation, we have a choice about how we react. And this choice decides about our future.” – Vera F. Birkenbihl

“Knowledge is not power, but the application of knowledge is power.” – Vera F. Birkenbihl

Five Doors and Quote: "In every situation, we have the choice of how we react. And this choice determines our future." - Vera F. Birkenbihl
The 20 best quotes by Vera F. Birkenbihl | Wisdom

Vera F. Birkenbihl is one well-known Germans Author and learning researcher.

your Quotes reflect their views reflects learning, creativity and the importance of interest and joy in the learning process.

The 20 best quotes by Vera F. Birkenbihl on YouTube

The 20 best quotes by Vera F. Birkenbihl on YouTube: Wisdom for a fulfilled life

Vera F. Birkenbihl was an influential figure in the field of brain-friendly learning and personal development.

Her work has inspired many people and helped them make their lives more conscious and successful.

There are numerous videos by Vera F. Birkenbihl on YouTube in which she shares her knowledge and experiences. In this video I have summarized the 20 best quotes from Vera F. Birkenbihl to give you one inspiration to offer a more fulfilling life.

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#wisdom #Life wisdom #bestsayings

Source: Best sayings and quotes
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The 20 best quotes by Vera F. Birkenbihl on YouTube

Some well-known books by Vera F. Birkenbihl are:

There are many books and resources by her that explain her method and concepts and show applications in various areas such as language learning, school and vocational training, intelligence development and Kreativität:

  1. “The inner archive: Increase your intelligence through sustainable brain management”
  2. “Straw in the head?: From brain owner to brain user”
  3. “Learning languages ​​with the Birkenbihl principle”
  4. “Learning How to Learn: The Key to Successful Learning”
  5. "The Ggreat learning andd workbook”
  6. “Learning with your brains: The Birkenbihl method for successful learning”
  7. “The Birkenbihl method at work”

Wisdom of life from Vera F. Birkenbihl: Her best sayings

  • “Learning is the ability to adapt to new things Experiences to let in.”
  • “If you want to learn, you have to focus Changes let in."
  • “Learning is the ability to surprise yourself.”
  • “Learning is the ability to continually reinvent yourself.”
  • “Learning is the ability to accept the unknown.”
  • “Learning is the ability to look at things from a different perspective.”
  • “Learning is the ability to challenge yourself.”
  • “Learning is the ability to question yourself.”
  • “Learning is the ability to concentrate on what is important.”
  • “Learning is the ability to embrace the unknown.”
Live recordings and saying: "Learning is the ability to accept the unknown."
The 20 best quotes by Vera F. Birkenbihl | Wisdom
  • “Learning is the ability to discover yourself.”
  • “Learning is the ability to excel.”
  • Learning is the ability to learn to improve yourself.
  • “Learning is the ability to realize oneself.”
  • “Learning is the ability to develop yourself.”
  • “Learning is the ability to expand oneself.”
  • “Learning is the ability to complete oneself.”
  • “Learning is the ability to realize oneself.”
  • “Learning is the ability to achieve oneself.”
  • “Learning is the ability to understand yourself.”
Saying: You can do it and "You can't have everything, but you can be everything."
  • “If you dare nothing, you gain nothing.”
  • "Nothing ventured nothing gained."
  • "There is nothing good, unless you do it."
  • “You can’t have everything, but you can achieve everything.”
  • “There are no limits except those we set for ourselves.”
  • “Nothing is impossible, there are only unusual solutions.”
  • “Start small, dream big.”
  • “You have to try the impossible to achieve the possible.”
  • “You have to dare the impossible to achieve the possible.”

This claims by Vera F. Birkenbihl emphasize the importance of risk and Courageto achieve our goals. They also encourage us to believe in ourselves and our abilities and not to be discouraged by seemingly impossible challenges.

This Quotations by Vera F. Birkenbihl emphasize the importance of learning as a lifelong skill that enables us to better understand and develop ourselves and the world. She also emphasizes the importance of embracing change and the unknown in order to learn.

Do you know that book Straw in the head?

Yes, the book “Straw in the head – How we make it difficult for ourselves to think” by Vera F. Birkenbihl is one of her best-known books and has been described by many readers as very helpful and inspiring.

In this book she describes how we make it difficult for ourselves to think and learn through false assumptions and thought patterns and how we can break these patterns and make our thinking more effective. She also gives practical tips and guidance on how to improve your thinking and learning and develop your intelligence.

Some possible headings that could appear in the book “Straw in the Head – How we make it difficult for ourselves to think” by Vera F. Birkenbihl are:

  1. “The Pitfalls of Our Thinking: Why We Make Learning Difficult”
  2. “Breaking thought patterns: How we can improve our thinking”
  3. The power of assumptions: How they influence our thinking and how we use them change can
  4. “Intelligence development: How we can fully realize our potential”
  5. “Creativity and Learning: How we can inspire our thinking and learning”
  6. The influence of environment and Experiences on our thinking
  7. practical Suggestions and guidance for more effective thinking and learning

It is important to note that these headings are not the actual headings of the book, but just one Possibility how the themes of the book can be addressed.

FAQ Vera F. Birkenbihl for quick readers

Who is Vera F. Birkenbihl?

Vera F. Birkenbihl is a German psychologist, linguist and author. She was known for her work on learning methods and her concepts for promoting independent and effective learning.

What are the most famous works by Vera F. Birkenbihl?

Some of her best-known works are “The Birkenbihl Principle: Learning How to Learn,” “The Birkenbihl Process: The Key to Success,” and “Brain-Friendly Learning Methods.”

What is the Birkenbihl principle?

The Birkenbihl Principle states that we learn most diligently by focusing on the meaning of the material we are learning and translating it into our own language, rather than simply memorizing it.

What is the Birkenbihl process?

The Birkenbihl method is a method based on the Birkenbihl principle and the use of visual aids, such as images and symbols, to support learning.

What are brain-friendly learning methods?

Brain-friendly learning methods are methods that are based on the latest findings in neuroscience and support the brain's natural learning processes. They are based on the Birkenbihl principle and the Birkenbihl process.

What are the goals of Vera F. Birkenbihl's work?

Vera F. Birkenbihl's work aims to empower people to control their own learning and thereby achieve their goals. She wants to make learning more effective and self-determined, using the brain's natural learning processes.

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