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Girl sits on the sofa with her dog and comfortably drinks a chocolate - try it with coziness

Try it with coziness

Last updated on January 23, 2023 by Roger Kaufman

From Walt Disney's 1967 Jungle Book film

As we all know, the goal of The Jungle Book is to inspire us to live more comfortably and mindfully.

We should enjoy our lives in harmony with ourselves and our surroundings.

This really isn't an easy task, but it can help us be happier and more attuned to others.

The classic “The Jungle Book” by Rudyard Kipling is a testament to the fact that a little comfort can banish the worries of everyday life.

If you're looking for a break from the noise and hustle and bustle of... everyday If you decide, then the Jungle Book can help you a little.

It reminds us that it is important to relax, to dream and enjoy.

The story of Mowgli, Baloo and the other animals also reminds us that sometimes it is not necessary to face the dangers of life.

If you want to take it easy, stick to the motto: “Try comfort.” Put your feet up, make yourself comfortable on the sofa with a blanket and let yourself be carried away by the adventures of the Jungle Book characters.

If you decide to go for a walk afterwards, you will see how the world feels different if you take it easy.

Jetty on the lake and quote: “Peace attracts life, unrest scares it away.” - Gottfried Keller
Create coziness
  • What about yours? Comfort?
  • What are yours Coziness strategies?
  • Where does comfort begin for you?
  • Does it surround you in a cozy atmosphere?
  • Are you sociable?
  • Are you casual and carefree?

A pair of Man is never represented by itself. A person is just something in relationship with others individuals. We only get a complete picture of him if we look at him Relationship to its surroundings, just as we know nothing about a plant or animal if we don't know its habitat. - CG Young

I find the video “The Jungle Book”. “Baloo and Mowgli", so ingenious and easy to imitate.

No matter how much trouble you have on your neck,

“The Jungle Book” – Try it with comfort – Baloo and Mowgli

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Try it with comfort

Source: TV movie

Song Try it with comfort – Baloo and Mowgli

Give it a try Coziness, with peace and comfort
do you chase everyday life and the Provide path.
And when you If you're always comfortable and something is appetizing, then take it no matter where it comes from.

What should I do somewhere else where I don't like it?

I'm not leaving here, not even for Money.
The bees hum in the air, filling it with the scent of honey,
and look If you look under the stone, you will see ants that thrive here.

Try two, three, four.
Because with comfort comes that too Glück to you!
It's coming to you!

Try it with comfort,
with peace and comfort you drive away all your worries. And when you always comfortable and something is appetizing, then take it no matter where it came from.

So what about picking? you like berries and you prick yourself,
then let me teach you: pain will be over soon!
You have to be humble but not greedy live Otherwise you'll hurt yourself, you'll be injured and you'll just pay more, so pick with the right twist!
Do you understand that now? Because with comfort
happiness comes to you too!
It's coming to you!


Coziness definition

Woman indicates that it is time for a break. Quote: “What happens without rest does not last.” - Ovid
Try coziness

Coziness characterizes a person-friendly, warm atmosphere and environment in which one feels comfortable.

It is characterized by balance, security, freedom from conflict and carefreeness.

It brings calm to the hectic pace.

Coziness does not tolerate excitement, arguments, or intrusive worries.

It is also incompatible with simultaneous hard work, which can lead to comfort but does not itself represent it.

In art, the depiction of comfort or freedom from conflict can seem kitschy.

Source: Wikipedia

Coziness synonym

Coziness is a beautiful feeling that is best felt erfahren can when you are in a warm and welcoming environment.

It means feeling relaxed and safe, so you feel free to be who you are.

This pleasant feeling of coziness can be known by various names, such as coziness, comfort, comfort, warmth, comfort, unity and security.

In some parts of the world, a synonym for the concept of coziness is the word “hygge”, a Danish word that reflects the willingness and pleasure in enjoying a calm and welcoming lifestyle.

Hygge can also be described as a feeling of warmth, comfort and coziness. Another synonym for coziness is “coziness”, an English word that expresses the feeling of warmth, comfort and well-being.

It's a feeling you get often in the evening feels when you settle into a comfortable environment, read a good book or simply enjoy the warm embrace of nature.

It's a feeling that often comes with you feeling of happiness and consent.

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