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Sleeping Buddha - Famous Wisdom from Buddha

Famous sayings of Buddha

Last updated on July 9, 2022 by Roger Kaufman

Let go of anger and frustration

Who or what is Buddha?

“Buddha” is a title that refers to the historical Buddha Siddhartha Gautama. “Buddha” literally means “the awakened one” or “the enlightened one”.

In Western culture, Buddha is primarily associated with Buddhism, a religion that originated in India over 2500 years ago.

But the teachings of Buddha are much more than a religion. They are a wisdom that helps us, our live to understand and master.

In this article I would like to show you 81 famous ones Wisdom of Buddha that will inspire you to change your life.

Famous sayings of Buddha – Buddhist wisdom gratitude

Holding on to anger is like picking up a live coal and throwing it at someone. - Buddha

A Buddha temple lamp
Famous sayings of Buddha – Buddha Quotes Karma

Famous Wisdom from Buddha

Many people behave in exactly the same way, but unfortunately they realize too late that they still have the money in their hands!
Emotional dismay, stress, fear, trouble and consuming anger produces equally deadly toxins.

Scientists were able to prove this in blood tests.

Each gedanke that we harbor influences chemical processes in our body.

So, long term toxins like fear, rage, anger, frustration and Stress Pumping yourself can be fatal and is not worth that price at all. Or?

81 Buddha Sayings Strength | Buddhist wisdom contentment

Buddha was during the 6th century B.C. A spiritual teacher in Nepal.

Whose teachings became the basis of the Buddhist faith.

One of the most famous spiritual leaders of all time, Buddha (born Siddhartha Gautama), was a theorist who thought deeply about rest, life, of Love, joy and also fate spoke.

The name Buddha itself implies “the troubled one” or “the informed one,” which says a lot about what he taught others.

These trainings influenced Buddhism, a method and also spiritual development that uses things like reflection to change oneself and also become more mindful, kind and intelligent.

Buddhism is viewed as the path to enlightenment, which is the ultimate goal. Buddha himself was someone who embodied this. Still, it's no surprise that people appreciate reading and adhering to Buddha's sayings, as well as sentences that are actually Buddha-inspired too Quotations have produced.

Below you will find some of them most inspiring quotes of Buddha, along with Buddha sayings.

Source: Buddha sayings strength | 123 sayings of Buddha
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Famous Wisdom of Buddha – Buddha Wisdom Power

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