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Proverb let go - wisdom of life - beautiful metaphor about “LET GO”

Let go of the saying - 20 words of wisdom

Last updated on September 5, 2022 by Roger Kaufman

“If you hold an item long enough, it will be yours.”

This saying is one wisdom, which reminds us that nothing in life is truly ours.

Everything is temporary and all we have is the experience we gain from it.

When we can let go of something, then we can focus on what's really important: our relationships, ours Health and our own inner satisfaction.

Letting go of the Hawaiian wisdom “Kala” – letting go of the proverb

“Letting go is true freedom” – Hawaiian proverb

“Things are what they are – we suffer because we imagined ourselves to be different.” – Rachel Wolchin

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“Some of us assume that holding on makes us solid, but sometimes it also loosens.” - Hermann Hesse

“We don’t recreate the past by living there; we heal the past by living completely in it presence life." - Marianne Williamson

“A problem with dwelling on the past on a regular basis is that we may turn around and find that the future has abandoned us.” – Michael Cibenko

“I burn my bridges behind me, but then I have no choice but to move forward.” – Fridtjof Nansen

“Allowing to go does not mean giving up. To let go means to let be. If we let it go with empathy, things repeat themselves.” - Unknown

“You can have this new connection, this brand new friend, this brand new job, this brand new relationship or the new life you want wish, possibly not accepting it while still hanging on to the baggage of the last one. Let go… and use your own strength to accept what is waiting for you right at your feet.” – Steve Maraboli

"Let go is the willingness to transform your ideas to bring even more peace and joy into your life, rather than holding on to ideas that bring both discomfort and suffering.” – Hal Tipper

“The truth is when you don't let go unless you forgive To yourself, unless you forgive the circumstance, unless you understand that the situation is over, you can continue to stagnate.” – Steve Maraboli

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"Sometimes people come into your life just to teach you how to let go." - Unknown
Let go of the proverb – life wisdom | let go quotes new beginning

"If I let go“What I am, I become what I could be.” - Lao Tzu

“Some people think that both sagging and sagging are a sign of wonderful things Size are. However, there is Times, where it takes a lot more toughness to recognize when to let go, and then they do.” –Ann Lander

“Let things go. Let her go. Detach yourself from them. “Turn on your emotional television to watch the exact same program over and over again that shows how much you have suffered from a particular loss: that only poisons you, nothing else.” - Paulo Coelho

“If you want to forget something or someone, Hate never do it, or never hate him/her. Whatever and anyone you dislike is written in your heart; if you something let go If you want to forget it, you can't despise it." – C. JoyBell C.

"Let go means understanding that some people belong to your story, but not to your destiny.” – Steve Maraboli

“Cry. Forgive. Discover. Keep going. Let your ribs be the seeds of your future lucky scatter.” – Steve Maraboli

“When you realize that you are entitled to a bright future, releasing your dark past is the best choice you will ever make.” – Roy T. Bennett

“Whatever the present moment contains, approve of it as if you had actually chosen it. Constantly deal with it, not against it.” - Eckhart Tolle

“Sometimes people come into your room live, just to teach you how to let go.” - Unknown

“Some birds shouldn’t be kept in cages, that’s all. Their feathers are also bright, their melodies are also wonderful and wild. So you let them go, or when you open the cage to feed them, they somehow fly out. The part of you that understands that it was wrong to lock her up in the first place is happy, but even so, the area you live in is much drearer and also emptier for her separation.” - Stephen King

26 Chinese proverbs and sayings - Proverb Letting Go - Sayings

There are innumerable Chinese proverbs and sayings about letting go.

For example, you can use the saying “If you want to catch a fish, let the bait swim” use to tell someone to let the other person go.

Another saying you can use is “If you want to catch a fish, you have to go into the river”. This saying means that in order to find something new you have to let go.

If you're looking for more Chinese proverbs and sayings If you're looking for something, then you've come to the right place.

In this video you will find the 26 best Chinese proverbs and sayings about letting go.

You can find many more sayings, sayings and wisdom in the blog Let go

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Let go of the proverb - wisdom of life

Source: Letting go, learning trust

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