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How does hypnosis work?

How does hypnosis work?

Last updated on March 16, 2021 by Roger Kaufman

Insights into the classic hypnosis This film shows how a possible hypnosis session works, where it can help and what it can be used for. Vie

Source: How does hypnosis work?

How does hypnosis work and how does it work? Prof. Dr. Dirk Revenstorf

Prof. Dr. Dirk RevenstorfIt is a method of drawing attention to a specific idea or a thoughts to focus; At the same time, external and internal perceptions such as disturbing environmental stimuli or pain are hidden.

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What is and how does hypnosis work? Werner J. Meinhold

Werner J. Meinhold is one of the best-known hypnotherapists in German-speaking countries. As a child he was suffering from a number of illnesses Deaths very close, which led him to want to explore the deep levels of consciousness. In his opinion, it is “the first state of consciousness that always accompanies us.” There are different levels of Hypnoses, by no means just that of “show booth hypnosis”. This state can also be experienced consciously and thus used as a therapeutic tool. Autogenic training is nothing more than a form of self-hypnosis.

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