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What is Epigenetics? Human nature and the world can be changed

What is epigenetics

Last updated on February 16, 2022 by Roger Kaufman

Human nature and the world can be changed – What is Epigenetics?

Specific behavioral patterns can be changed

The architect, who died in 1988 quantum physics and Nobel Prize winner Richard Feymann once stated:
First, all forms of matter are made up of a few similar building blocks, and all natural laws are governed by the same general physical laws. This applies to atoms and stars as well as to people.

Second, what happens in living systems is the result of the same physical and chemical processes that occur in non-living systems.

Most likely this also includes the psychological processes in humans.

Human nature and the world can be changed

Thirdly, there is no evidence of a planned development of natural phenomena.

The current complexity of life arose from much simpler conditions of a random process of natural selection and the survival of the adaptable organism.

Fourth is this Universe In relation to human concepts of space and time, it is enormously large and old.

It is therefore unlikely that Universe was created for people or is considered its central theme. Ultimately, many human behaviors are not innate, but learned.

Specific behavioral patterns can be changed through psychological, chemical and physical methods.

So human nature and the world cannot be seen as unchangeable, but can be changed.

Source: Johannes V. Butter “What was impossible yesterday"

What is epigenetics – genes don’t control us – we control our genes

In his lecture, Prof. Spitz addresses the connection between epigenetics, genetics and environmental influences.

Unfortunately, the scientific findings on these topics relating to health and prevention are currently only known to a small circle of scientists, therapists and interested parties.

We are working hard to change this!

The lecture highlights the epigenetic influence of environmental factors on human development and health as well as the opportunities this presents for all of us with a view to preventing chronic diseases.

This includes flashlights on the topics of vitamin D and sun, Sport and exercise, nutrition and microbiota, fatty acids, social factors and the human psyche.

Conclusion: Humans are certainly not defective and genetics only determine the predisposition to certain diseases.

The problem is usually the home-made environmental factors of our industrial society.

But if you know this, you can help yourself and others. Help us and spread the word!

Academy of Human Medicine
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You are what you do: How exercise changes your genes | Quarks

Sport does a lot. But the suspicion that exercise actually has a positive effect on our genes is relatively new. Researchers were able to detect epigenetic changes caused by exercise - in areas that are important for the positive health effects of exercise.

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Sport does a lot.

But the suspicion that exercise actually has a positive effect on our genes is relatively new.

Researchers were able to detect epigenetic changes caused by exercise - in areas that are important for the positive health effects of exercise.

Author Mike Schaefer

What is Epigenetics? – are we genes or environment? | SRF Einstein

For a long time, scientists assumed that only genetic makeup shapes our biological development.

It is now clear: DNA does not explain everything. Even genetically identical twins never look the same and develop differently.

Because our environment also has an influence on how our genes manifest themselves. “Einstein” on the mystery of epigenetics.

SRF Einstein
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What is Epigenetics? – Packaging art in the cell

Environmental influences can affect the methyl appendages on the histone proteins of the chromosomes.

This changes the degree of packaging of the DNA - and this determines whether a particular gene can be read or not.

In this way, the environment can shape an organism's characteristics across generations.

Thomas Jenuwein is researching how the methyl groups are attached to the histones.

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