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Run away and really let go - the female elephant bathes

Elephant lady Sabu | Get away and really let go

Last updated on September 1, 2023 by Roger Kaufman

Elephant lady Sabu “Get away and really let go” – this feeling of wanting to escape everyday life is familiar to many people.

The desire to break out of the daily routine and free yourself from all obligations and expectations can arise for various reasons.

It can be triggered by stress, excessive demands, dissatisfaction or the feeling of being limited. Here are some thoughts and tips on the topic:

  1. self reflection: Before making spontaneous decisions, it is helpful to think about your own feelings and reasons for the desire change to become clear. Is it just a passing whim or a deeper need?
  2. take time for yourself: A short vacation or a weekend in the Nature can help to clear your head and distance yourself from everyday life.
  3. meditation and mindfulness: Through meditation you can learn to live in the moment and stressful thoughts to let go.
  4. New hobbies and activities: Trying new things can help freshen up your everyday life and improve the feeling of Freedom to feel.
  5. Set limits: If the feeling of “cutting off” is triggered by too much stress or pressure, it may make sense to set boundaries at work and in your personal life.
  6. Professional help: If the feeling becomes overwhelming or depressive thoughts creep in, it may be advisable to seek professional help.
  7. Small escapes in everyday life: Sometimes it's not necessary to leave everything behind. Instead, you can take small breaks Everyday life - like a good book, a walk or a visit to the café - can help you feel the feeling of freedom and renewal.

It is important to recognize that live proceeds in phases.

There are times when you feel restricted or dissatisfied.

However, that doesn't mean that this feeling stays forever.

It's okay, yourself Breaks to indulge and look for ways to reconnect with yourself and life.

An elephant going astray: Sabu's Zurich walk

Last Sunday the Elephant lady Sabu made headlines when she took a short vacation from her circus life at Circus Knie and took a spontaneous walk through downtown Zurich.

While some passersby were intrigued and amused, this incident raises eyebrows again debate about Wild animals in the circus.

Sabu's city tour

Circus Knie, the largest circus in Switzerland, is known for its impressive shows, which often include animal performances.

But even in such a professional environment, it can happen that animals have their... natural Follow your instincts and break out.

Luckily, Sabu was recaptured quickly and without incident.

But this event has caused many to think about keeping wild animals in circuses.

The circus controversy

The ethics of keeping wildlife in circus environments is a hotly debated topic. Proponents argue that circuses provide education and entertainment and that many animals are well cared for in such facilities.

Critics, however, point out the physical and psychological stress that wild animals are exposed to in such environments.

In many countries, laws have already been passed that prohibit the keeping of certain wild animals in circuses or at least provide for strict regulations for their keeping.

The main argument here is often the welfare of the animals: it is difficult for a circus to replicate the natural environment and requirements that these animals have in the wild.

Look into the Future

While Sabu's adventure was a brief amusement for many, it should also be seen as an opportunity to about the role of wildlife in entertainment.

The question arises as to whether it is possible to ensure the welfare of animals with this to unite for entertainment.

Perhaps it is time to rethink traditional circus practices and find new ways in which we can be enchanted by the beauty and uniqueness of wildlife without it well-being to affect.

Many people couldn't believe their eyes yesterday: A Elephant bathed calmly in Lake Zurich and took a tour of Bahnhofstrasse.


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Runaway circus elephant makes Zurich unsafe

An escaped elephant from the Knie circus caused a stir in downtown Zurich in the evening. After wandering for several kilometers, the animal was finally caught.

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Get away and really let go | Elephant lady

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Run away and all that let go | Elephant lady

The elephants In the past, they not only caused a stir in the circus tent:

The escape of the female elephant Sabu in the summer of 2010 is still fondly remembered by many.

The animal took advantage of a caretaker's carelessness and enjoyed a swim in Lake Zurich.

Then Sabu ran from Landiwiese to Bürkliplatz and from there to the main train station, accompanied by a police escort.

After an hour and a half, the animal was finally brought back to the circus.

But the female elephant didn't last long there.

Just three days later, Sabu escaped again - this time in Wettingen AG.

As the circus prepared for transport to Basel, the animal treated itself to a bath in the nearby stream.

It took around 40 people, including acrobats, to persuade Sabu to return.

She has lived since then today 31-year-old female elephant in Rapperswil Zoo.

Source: 20 Minutes

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