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59 timeless Laozi quotes | The Master's Wisdom "Every miracle begins with a thought." Lao Tzu

59 timeless Laozi quotes | The Master's Wisdom

Last updated on March 8, 2024 by Roger Kaufman

Laozi was a Chinese philosopher who lived more than 2000 years ago.

He is often referred to as the “Master” and is known for his deep spiritual wisdom and teachings on the nature of the universe and human life.

Laozi's writings, particularly the book “Dao De Jing,” continue to have an enormous influence on Chinese culture and beyond today.

Seine Quotations are famous for their simplicity, clarity and depth and have inspired and influenced people all over the world.

In this article I have compiled 59 timeless Laozi quotes that remind us that the wisdom and the strength we need already lies within us if we just remember to live in harmony with nature and listen to our inner voice.

Although Laozi is known for his serious and profound philosophy, he also has a sense of Humour proven.

He is reported to have once said:

The Timeless Wisdom of Laozi: 59 Timeless Laozi Quotes

“If you laugh a lot, you may not have a good conscience. If you laugh little, you may not have any joy in life.” – Laozi

Although it is difficult to imagine that the serious master made such humorous statements, it shows that he was a person who appreciated the beauty of Life recognized and not just about pondered the great questions of the universe.

“There is no greater wealth than the contentment of the mind.”

“Learn to be patient. Wait for the mud to settle and that Water becomes clear.”

“Prevention is the best way to Health."

“A smile is the shortest distance between two People."

“Simplicity is the highest form of perfection.”

"The wisdom lies in the realization that one knows nothing.”

“Anyone who thinks they are special will end up being just another thing.”

“He who has peace in his heart has peace in his life.”

"The Life is a journey, no goal."

“The man who takes care of himself takes care of the world.”

"The Words of the wise seem contradictory, but only because true knowledge is greater than words.”

“A wise man knows that he does not know.”

“The scholar thinks of what he has not yet achieved. The fool of what he cannot achieve.”

“He who knows others is smart. He who knows himself is wise.”

“Things change, and we change with them.”

“Nothing is softer or more pliable than Water, and yet nothing can defeat what is hard and rigid.”

“Good leaders create more leaders, not more followers.”

“Knowing you have enough is wealth.”

“If you have patience, you can achieve anything.”

“Those who know do not speak. Those who speak do not know.”

“Wisdom lies in looking at things from the right perspective.”

“There is nothing bad in life except how we think about it.”

“The best leader is the one whose existence is barely noticed, whose work is being done and whose Set can be achieved.”

“He who speaks does not know. He who knows does not speak.”

“Avoid excess, and you will save yourself from falling.”

“The greatest evil is when you lose the center.”

“If you have a why to live, you can endure almost any how.”

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”

“The one who speaks does not know, and the one who knows does not speak.”

“A tree that grows too tall gives the wind a large area to attack.”

“Act without acting, work without working.”

“The greatest virtue is to be like water, nourishing everything and yielding to the lowest point.”

“One good deed is inspired by another.”

“The more you know, the less you understand.”

“The learned man strives not to miss anything, while the wise man tries not to miss anything.”

“If you have peace in your heart, you will find it everywhere.”

“A small people is led by a few words, a great people by laws and commands.”

If you live in the future, you lose that today.

The higher the goal, the more people who despise it.

“Know that the opposite of that Love not hate, but indifference is.”

"The greatest happiness in life is knowing that we are loved.”

“Humans are the only animals that torture themselves.”

“Empty your mind, be formless, like water. When you pour water into a cup, it becomes the cup. When you pour water into a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Water can flow or it can destroy. Be like water, my friend.”

“Don’t be fooled by what’s on the outside, look at what’s on the inside.”

“You can’t say where it came from wind blows or where he goes, but you can see the traces he leaves behind.”

“Give a man a fish and he will have food for you Tags. Teach a man to fish and he has food for his Life."

“A path is created by walking it.”

“It is better to light a little light than to complain about the darkness.”

“Every miracle begins with one Thoughts."

“Silence is the gateway to truth and wisdom.”

Nice sunset picture. Quote: "If you try to control everything, you end up controlling nothing." - Lao Tzu
59 timeless Laozi quotes | The Master's Wisdom

“Do the hard thing when it’s still easy.”

“The simpler things are, the less people know about them.”

“The Tao that can be expressed is not the eternal Tao.”

“If you try to control everything, you end up controlling nothing.”

“The wise man knows the value of standing still.”

Buddha statue with quote: "Confidence is like a bridge built to bridge the gaps in life."
59 timeless Laozi quotes | The Master's Wisdom

“A good journey has no route.”

“Trust is like a bridge that was built around about the gaps in life get."

“People are waiting for the future, but the The future is a human creation.”

58 Unforgettable Quotes by Laozi | The Master's Wisdom (Video)

Source: Best sayings and quotes

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Who was Laozi?

Laozi (also Lao Tzu written) was a Chinese philosopher and founder of Taoism.

He lived in the 6th century BC. BC and is the author of the Tao Te Ching, one of the most important works of Chinese philosophy.

Laozi is also referred to as the "old Master” and is one of the central figures in Chinese culture and philosophy.

According to tradition, he worked as an official in the court of the Zhou Kingdom before retiring and studying Nature and the Tao (the universal order).

His teachings emphasize the importance of naturalness, serenity and non-conformity and have had a great influence on Chinese culture and philosophy.

Are there other names for Lao Tzu?

Yes, Laozi has over the course of the History given different names.

The most famous name is Laozi (老子), which literally means “old master”.

However, there are other names given to him such as “Lao Dan” (老聃) and “Li Er” (李耳).

In addition, in later writings he was given the title “Taishang Laojun” (太上老君), which roughly means “the high master Lao”.

In Chinese folk religion and Taoism, Laozi is often worshiped as a type of divine spirit about wisdom, happiness and long life awaits.

There is also a name in German

Usually will laozhi in German as Lao Tzu or Lao Tzu bezeichnet.

It is a transcription of the Chinese name Laozi, which is most common in the German-speaking world.

However, there are other spellings such as Lao-Tzu, Lao Tzu or Lao-Tsu that are sometimes used.

FAQ about Laozi

What is Taoism?

Taoism is a Chinese philosophy and religion based on the teachings of Laozi. The central concept of Taoism is the Tao, the universal order.

What is the Tao Te Ching?

The Tao Te Ching is a book written by Laozi and plays a central role in Taoism. It contains 81 short sections containing teachings about the Tao and the nature of the world.

What are the most important teachings of Laozi?

Laozi's teachings emphasize the importance of naturalness, calmness and non-conformity. He believed that the best way to live in harmony with the Tao and nature is to let things happen naturally without resistance.

Did Laozi actually live?

The historical existence of Laozi is controversial as there is little reliable information about his life. Some scholars believe he is a mythological figure, while others believe he was an actual historical figure.

How did Laozi influence Chinese culture?

Laozi's teachings have had an enormous influence on Chinese culture and philosophy and have shaped many aspects of Chinese art, literature, music and society. Taoism has also played an important role in Chinese religion.

What significance does Laozi have today?

Laozi's teachings still have great significance today and influence modern philosophy and spirituality. Many people find in his teachings a source of inspiration and wisdom for living in a fast-paced and changing world.

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