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How I found my dream job

How I found my dream job

Last updated on April 9, 2023 by Roger Kaufman

The Story of the Morse Operator | How I found my dream job

The incident took place in New York at the end of the 20s. How I found my dream job?

There was great unemployment at that time.

A company had advertised a job for a Morse operator (back then, signals were morsed with a finger on a special key).

About 300 people registered.

The company had set up a few small interview rooms on one side of the giant hall and handed out numbers in order of arrival.

Of course, there weren't enough chairs, so many devoutly sat on the floor to wait.

It was hot, there was hammering in the background, and applicants were still coming.

Morse story
How I found my dream job | how do I find my dream job

Then one appears younger Man who was given the number 235 (so he showed up relatively late), and he also sits down on the floor first.

But after two minutes he suddenly gets up, goes purposefully to a room on the other side of the hall, knocks, doesn't wait at all for someone to say "come in", that is, he knocks, enters the room and disappears into it.

After about three minutes he comes out of the room again, accompanied by one older Mr.

He tells those waiting that they can all go home now because the job has just been given to this young man.

The older gentleman explained to those waiting why the young man got the job: You sat there and heard the hammering, you might have thought we were renovating, but we're not renovating!

They are Morse operators, and someone knocked with a Morse code hammer: If you understand that, go to room 12, knock, don't wait for an “Come in!” and you have the job.

How many opportunities do you think you sometimes overlook and ignore just because you think you don't have any? 

Story power and why a teacher should be a good storyteller

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Source: StoryPower Vera F. Birkenbihl

How I found my dream job

There are different ways to find your dream job, but here are some steps that can help:

  1. Know your interests and strengths: Before you start looking for a job, it is important that you think about what really interests you and what your strengths are. A job that matches your interests and strengths is more likely to satisfy you.
  2. Research: Search for jobs that match your interests and see what qualifications are required. There are many websites and job boards that can help with your job search.
  3. Network: Connect with people who work or could work in your desired field. Socializing and building relationships can help provide insider information about potential jobs and companies.
  4. Internships or Volunteer Work: Internships or volunteer work can help you gain valuable experience in your desired field and set you apart from other applicants.
  5. Application: Create a compelling application that highlights your qualifications, skills and experience and is tailored to the requirements of the job.
  6. Interviews: If you are invited to interviews, be well prepared and make sure you can answer all of the employer's questions. It's also important to ask questions yourself to make sure the job fits your expectations and needs.
  7. Make a decision: When you get a job offer, decide carefully. Remember that the job should not only match your interests and strengths, but also meet your financial needs and working conditions.

Finding your dream job may take some time and effort, but if you are persistent and follow the steps above, you can succeed. Good luck with your job search!

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