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Frankfurt train station - Funny pictures, funny train station - Most of us know the situation: You stand at the train station and wait for the train. Funny video!

Funny pictures, funny train station

Last updated on August 8, 2022 by Roger Kaufman

Funny video from Volkswagen – advertising – funny train station

The Time pushes and you are annoyed.

But then something happens Funny thing.

Someone falls, a dog barks, or a child says something funny.

At this moment you have to Laughing.

But why is it like that?

Why is it funny when other people are unhappy or unlucky?

One theory says that in such moments we identify with other people. We see that they are not perfect either and that we are not alone with our own mistakes and weaknesses.

That makes us happy and relaxed.

Another theory says that laughter is simply good for us. It's a kind of self-healing.

When we laugh, our facial muscles are stimulated and the heart beats faster.

That gets things going

Funny pictures, funny train station

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