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laughing baby | Four admirable children's videos - funny children's pictures

4 admirable children's videos - funny children's pictures

Last updated on October 26, 2023 by Roger Kaufman

Children are little masters of entertainment - 4 admirable children's videos - funny children's pictures

With her innocent curiosity and unadulterated enthusiasm they take our hearts by storm.

Now imagine if that energy was captured in videos!

I went looking and discovered four children's videos that were like this charmant, funny and admirable that they transform even the grayest days into bright sunshine.

I laughed, marveled and once or twice shed a tear out of emotion.

Are you ready to embark on a journey into the fascinating world childish creativity and enjoyment of life to go?

Grab a cup of cocoa, make it your own gemütlicher and immerse yourself in the magical world of these four admirable children's videos!

Admirable children's videos - funny children's pictures - the funniest daddies

Funny children's pictures

There are things that are universally funny: a dog chasing its tail, a baby trying lemon for the first time and… dads finding themselves in the craziest situations!

These special specimens of the “Daddy” genus are often the secret stars in the family chaos.

They make diapers out of kitchen paper when supplies run out, wear pink princess crowns at tea parties or dance around the living room in a tutu.

There is nothing a dad wouldn't do to be his Kind to make you laugh.

And thereby care for often enough to make the rest of the family (and now, thanks to social media, the whole world) double over with laughter.

Here are some of the funniest daddies the internet has to offer!

Video source: Funny Awesome

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funny pictures of children with | Four admirable children's videos - funny children's pictures

You can die from laughing

It is said that Lachen is the best medicine, but did you know that you could literally die from laughing?

Well, not really… But imagine sitting in a comedy club and someone suddenly shouts, “Stop, stop! Not too funny, I’m close to my laughing limit!”

or if gyms offered “laughter yoga” as high-intensity training: “Be careful! Only three belly laughs a minute – we don’t want to overwork here!”

And imagine if there were a laughing police who arrived with flashing lights and shouted: “There was too much laughter here! Everyone take a deep breath!”

It may sound absurd, but one thing is certain:

A pair of live with lots of laughter is definitely a life worth living. So keep laughing and enjoy everyone savory Laughs – as long as it doesn’t get too… deadly! 😉🤣

Video source: Funny animals

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Four admirable children's videos - funny children's pictures

100 Funny Baby Videos

Ah, the wonderful world of funny baby videos!

There is hardly anyone who can resist the charm of a giggling, pattering or dancing baby.

If you watched 100 videos like this, you would probably sit in front of the screen laughing all day.

Imagine: a baby trying lemon for the first time and grimacing as if he'd just glimpsed another dimension.

Another who waves his arms wildly when his parents' favorite music plays and looks like he's going to be the next big dance phenomenon.

Or how about the baby who lets out an incredibly dramatic snore while napping, completely confusing the family dog?

And then there are the countless “first times”: the first time in the sandpit (so sand doesn’t taste good after all?), the first time in the snow (why is the world suddenly so cold and slippery?), or the first time at the hairdresser (WHAT is happening to my hair right now?!).

With 100 funny baby videos you not only get an insight into the innocent, honest and often humorous world of the little ones, but you are also reminded of how wonderful and amusing discovering the world can be.

So grab a cup of tea, get comfortable and prepare to be overwhelmed by a wave of cuteness and laughter! 😂🍼👶🎥

Video Source: Peachy

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Four admirable children's videos - funny children's pictures

100 Funniest Babies and Children

The funniest babies and Children – a chapter in itself! Who would have thought that these little people could do so much Humour, could pack wit and charm into their tiny bodies?

From birth, babies and children seem to have a sixth sense for how they perceive the adults around them bring laughter can.

Who doesn't remember the baby who looks less than enthusiastic the first time he tries to eat porridge and seems to prefer to spill the food everywhere except in his mouth?

Or the child who takes his first steps and looks more like a staggering penguin than a penguin People similar?

Then there are the countless fun costumes. Children in animal costumes crawling around and roaring, or little superheroes trying to fly with a cape only to discover that gravity does stronger at a hunt.

Not to be forgotten are the unbeatable and often involuntary comments that come out of a child's mouth.

It's amazing how honestly and directly they see and comment on the world. Who would have thought, for example, that the mother's new boyfriend smelled so much like "old socks" or that the neighbor with her new hat looked like a "giant mushroom"?

No matter if it's hers disarming honesty, their innocent misadventures or simply their natural curiosity and enthusiasm - babies and children have a special talent for making us laugh, even on the grayest of days.

They remind us not to always take life so seriously and to enjoy it small to find things.

Because at the end of the day, it is these moments that show us the true joys of life.

Video source: Funny animals

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Four admirable children's videos - funny children's pictures

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