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The High Self - Young Woman

The High Self | let

Last updated on October 17, 2022 by Roger Kaufman

The High Self is a concept found in many different traditions and cultures.

The idea is that every person has a higher aspect that is wise and all-knowing.

This aspect is connected to the universe and has access to all information.

Some people believe that the Higher Self is a God, others believe that it is a higher power that created all things. Still others believe that it is simply a higher consciousness that connects us all.

Whatever you believe, the High Self is a concept that helps us understand ourselves and our relationship to the universe.

The most important task of the High Self

As once Johann Wolfgang von Goethe aptly wrote down:

“I believe that we carry within us a spark of that eternal light,
that must shine at the bottom of being and ours
weak senses can only sense from a distance.
To let this spark within us become a flame
and to realize the divine within us
is our highest duty.” - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The higher self creates living conditions, connects us with the cosmic creativity, connects us with morphogenetic field of humanity, offers protection, always loves us no matter what we do, does not judge us, realizes goals and desires and exists outside of space and time.

Access to your higher self: How to get in touch with the spiritual world

Barbara Bessen says in an interview with Bettina Geitner:

We live in one Time of great change. This means that the vibration level of the Earth and the entire solar system has changed.

We expand our consciousness.

Also duality – a prerequisite for an earthly one Experience to have – changes.

The old Mystics say we are evolving into a new (supra) human.

All of this is clearly noticeable on the outside.

We also notice it in everyday life live with and on ourselves.

We are in strong transformation, we are purifying and detaching ourselves from our different bodies that we are old emotional and mental patterns that we stored through our earthly experiences.

We live in the wonderful now Time of recognition.

And this is how we simply come into contact with ours Higher self, what we truly are.

As an earthly human being and at the same time in connection with ours Higher ones themselves, we can solve earthly tasks easily and simply.

What a wonderful one Time, where we live!

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FAQ: What is the High Self?

What is the High Self?

A life without love is like a year without spring. - Octavian Paller

The Higher Self is the element of you that connects you directly to the metaphysical levels. It is eternal, infinitely wise and transcends your everyday consciousness. It is in contact with the Divine because it is part of it.

How does the higher self feel?

Buddha statue blue - strengthen self-confidence

Your higher self is connected to the divine consciousness, it is completely intact, it is immortal, it sees everything that we have acquired through inspiration. We feel it as the most flawless form of love, without judgment, without emotional entanglement.

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