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Explosions filmed with high-speed camera

Explosions filmed with high-speed camera

Last updated on February 29, 2024 by Roger Kaufman

High-speed camera: window into the invisible world | The most beautiful things in slow motion!

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Source: Legendary Shots

Slow motion reveals secrets

Explosions filmed with high-speed cameras - High-speed cameras (HSK) capture moments that remain hidden from the naked eye.

With frame rates of thousands to millions of images per second, they reveal the dynamics of processes that would otherwise remain invisible.

Slow motion reveals secrets

High-speed cameras (HSK) are more than just technical gadgets.

They are tools that open the door to a world hidden from the naked eye. With frame rates reaching thousands to millions of frames per second, HSK captures moments we would otherwise miss.

Explosions that occur in fractions of a millisecond become an elegant ballet of destruction in slow motion.

Water droplets striking a surface burst into a symphony of tiny cascades.

Animal biomechanics dissected in slow motion reveals the incredible complexity and precision of the Nature.

Diverse areas of application

HSK are used in a variety of areas. In the Research They enable scientists to research the complex processes in nature and technology.

Image shows slowmotion water
Explosions filmed with high-speed camera

Biologists use HSK to study the flight mechanics of insects.

Engineers use them to analyze combustion in engines. Doctors use them to understand how the human body works.

During the Manufacturing HSK is used for quality control.

They help detect defects in products that are not visible to the naked eye. In production, they enable processes to be optimized and efficiency to be increased.

Also in the Entertainment HSK is used.

They are used to immortalize spectacular stunts in slow motion or to create special effects in films and television series.

Technical challenges

The development of HSK is a constant challenge.

The cameras must be able to handle high amounts of light and short exposure times in order to produce sharp images.

The sensors have to be fast to handle the high frame rates.

Image processing must be done in real time to minimize the delay between capture and display.

Fascinating insights

HSK enable us to see the world in a new way Light to see.

They show us the beauty of the invisible and provide valuable insights into science and technology.

Slow motion reveals the details and dynamics of processes that would otherwise remain hidden from us.

A look into the future

Let go for a little moment and enjoy: “Explosions filmed with high-speed camera.”

Explosions filmed with high speed camera
Explosions filmed with high-speed camera

The further development of HSK will open up new fields of application and further deepen our understanding of the world.

During the Future For example, HSK could be used in medicine to monitor operations in real time or to develop therapies.

In industry, they could contribute to the development of new materials and processes.

Let's look forward to the fascinating images that the future of slow motion will bring us!

hashtags: #HighSpeedCamera #Slow Motion #Research #Industry #Entertainment #Technology #Fascination #Future

Additional Information:

Explosions filmed with high-speed camera

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Source: Stay Scienced by RLScience

The fastest high-speed camera with 600.000 frames per second

What would you do if you had a day to shoot with the sickest high-speed camera possible? Money can buy to film EVERYTHING that comes in front of your lens?

That was exactly our situation in September last year. So what did we do?

Of course, we called 3 YouTubers and filmed the craziest slow-motion science experiments we could find with the Phantom v2512. Tesla coils, exploding wires, oobleck, Bolognese tears, fire breathing - everything that's starting to look particularly cool. The result can be seen here.

Have fun! Advertising: You can get 20% off everything at RhinoShield here: Or enter code “Whatson20” at checkout.

The offer is valid for 48 hours, after which a 10% discount applies for two weeks.

Thanks to Techtastisch, Jack Pop and Marcus from the Physikanten for spontaneously stopping by!

To the video from Techtastisch:

To Jack Pop’s channel “Science vs Fiction”:

To the channel The Physicists:

Doctor Whatson
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High speed camera – First recordings at 3000fps

With this Video I hope that you can get an impression of the high-speed camera.

And now you're asked: What have you always wanted to see in slow motion?

Do you have any excellent ideas?

Just write me a comment.

When I make the video, I will mention you.

Visit me on my Facebook page:…
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FAQ about high-speed cameras

What is a high speed camera?

A nut falling into glass of water captured with a high speed camera

A high-speed camera is a device with the ability to capture shifted images at exposures less than 1/1000th of a second or structure rates greater than 250 frames per second. It is used to record fast-moving objects as photos onto a storage medium.

How does a high-speed camera work?

A bullet shot captured with a high speed camera

Modern high-speed electronic cameras convert the event light (photons) into a stream of electrons, which are then distributed back into photons on a photoanode, which can then be recorded on either film or CCD.

Where are high-speed cameras used?

HSK are used in a variety of areas, e.g. E.g.:
- Research: HSK enable scientists to research the complex processes in nature and technology.
- Industry: HSK are used for quality control and optimization of production processes.
- Entertainment HSK are used to immortalize spectacular stunts in slow motion or to create special effects in films and television series.

How does a high-speed camera work?

HSK use various techniques to achieve high frame rates. Common procedures are:
- Rotating prisms: A rotating prism directs the light onto a sensor that scans the images line by line.
- Electronic closures: An electronic shutter makes it possible to keep the exposure time extremely short.
- High Speed ​​CMOS Sensors: Modern CMOS sensors can capture images at very high frame rates.

What advantages do high-speed cameras offer?

HSK offer the following advantages:
- They allow you to capture moments that remain hidden from the naked eye.
- They provide valuable insights into science and technology.
- They enable the optimization of production processes.
- They create spectacular images and effects in entertainment.

What are the challenges of using high-speed cameras?

HSK are complex devices that come with some challenges:
- High costs: HSK are significantly more expensive than normal video cameras.
- Technical complexity: The operation and maintenance of HSK requires technical know-how.
- High amounts of data: Capturing high-resolution slow-motion footage results in large amounts of data that need to be stored and processed.

Where can I learn more about high-speed cameras?

For more information about high-speed cameras, visit the following websites:
- Wikipedia article on high-speed cameras:
- High-speed camera manufacturers:
- Slow motion videos:

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