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Socrates Statue - 122 Socrates Quotes Wisdom Socrates

104 Socrates Quotes | Socrates wisdom

Last updated on August 1, 2023 by Roger Kaufman

Socrates quotes for thought

I got these ancient wisdoms from one of eternity's greatest thinkers Socrates and of Love, youth and philosophy found that gives you something Glück can provide a practical understanding.

Socrates is considered one of the most influential Greek theorists of antiquity. He motivated many students, including the philosopher Plato.

Here my collection is more inspiring, valuable and also provocative Socrates quotes and wisdom of life, accumulated over many years from a selection of sources.

Famous Socrates quotes about life from his writings and from his overall perspective 📑

“Beware of the barrenness of a hectic life.” – Socrates

A radiant woman sits “To find yourself, think for yourself.” - Socrates

“The richest is he who is satisfied with the least, for content is the vastness of Nature. " – Socrates

“Nothing is preferable to law.” – Socrates

"Real wisdom belongs to every people when we understand how little we understand about life, about ourselves and about the world around us.” – Socrates

“Prefer knowledge over the broad spectrum, for one is transitory, the other eternal.” – Socrates

“To find yourself, think for yourself.” – Socrates

“It is much better to be in one’s arms with the whole world than to be one and quarrel with myself.” – Socrates

“We can do one Kind, that hesitates before the darkness, easily forgiven; the true misfortune of life is when men are afraid of the light.” – Socrates

“When the debate is over, slander is the loser’s tool.” – Socrates

“A lot of times you put up wall spaces not to keep people out, but to see who cares about damaging them.” – Socrates

Famous Socrates Quotes – Video

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Source: Letting go, learning trust

10 Socrates quotes about life as PDF downloads

Socrates quotes know yourself 🙏

Young black woman dressed in red with an orange pumpkin and red perennial - "The unexamined life is an unworthy life." - SocratesKnow thyself
Socrates Quotes | Socrates wisdom

“The untested Life is an unworthy life.” – Socrates

“To find yourself, think for yourself.” – Socrates

“To recognize is to realize that you know nothing. That is the meaning of true understanding.” – Socrates

“Be what you wish to appear.” – Socrates

“Humanity consists of two kinds of individuals: wise people who understand that they are fools, and also fools who believe they are wise.” – Socrates

"Especially that Background, which comes from within, is the real knowledge.” – Socrates

“The mind is everything; what you accept, you become" – Socrates

“Education is the lighting of a flame, not the filling of a vessel.” – Socrates

“I understand that I am smart because I understand that I know nothing.” – Socrates

“Give me an appeal to the inner Soul; may the outer man and the inner man go to one.” – Socrates

Socrates quotes about life 🧬

“You should eat to eat live, not living to eat.” – Socrates

“Be kind, because everyone ManThe one you encounter is facing an uphill battle.” – Socrates

“If someone is proud of his wealth, there is no need to applaud him until you know exactly how he uses it.” – Socrates

"wisdom is to know what you don’t know.” – Socrates

"Justice. If only we knew what it was.” – Socrates

“The very first one Secret the greatness is to actually be what we appear to be.” – Socrates

“Nature has offered us 2 ears, 2 eyes and also a tongue - so that we can hear and see more shouldas we speak.” – Socrates

“The slanderers do not hurt me because they do not beat me.” – Socrates

“Don’t call a man unhappy until he’s married.” – Socrates

“Strong minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, weak minds discuss about people.” – Socrates

“Those who are hardest to like are the ones who need it the most.” – Socrates

“I prefer to die having actually spoken my way than to speak and live your way.” – Socrates

Socrates quote about love 🤟

“Speak so I can see you.” – Socrates

“The heart, like the body, accepts by method any behavior with which one wishes to address it.” – Socrates

“Be slow to get into a relationship, but once you’re in, be firm and consistent.” – Socrates

“By all means, get married; if you have one good wife you will be happy; if you get a bad one, you become a philosopher.” – Socrates

“The hottest of Love has the coldest ending.” – Socrates

“Reward your friends not by mere compliments, but by practical tokens of your love.” – Socrates

“As soon as man is equal, woman becomes his prize.” – Socrates

​​“The jealous individual grows thin with the fatness of his neighbor.” – Socrates

Socrates Quotes Happiness ✔️

A pregnant woman caresses her belly - “Miracle is the beginning of wisdom.” - Socrates
104 Socrates Quotes | Socrates wisdom

“If you are not satisfied with what you have, you will certainly not be satisfied with what you want.” – Socrates

“Satisfaction is more natural Wealth, luxury is man-made poverty.” – Socrates

“Miracle is the beginning of wisdom.” – Socrates

“Remember, no human condition is ever permanent. After that you certainly won't be able to Glück be content and also not despise tragedies.” – Socrates

“The secret to joy lies not in seeking more, but in building the capacity to enjoy much less.” – Socrates

Socrates saying to sharpen your opinion

Quote “It is better to change a point of view than to persist in a false one.” - Socrates
104 Socrates Quotes | Socrates wisdom

“It is better to change a point of view than to insist on a wrong one.” – Socrates

“If all misfortunes were placed in an ordinary heap in which everyone had to share equally, the majority of People feel free to take your own and go.” – Socrates

“Strong minds discuss ideas, typical minds discuss occasions, weak minds discuss about individuals.” – Socrates

“Be concerned about your reputation as the richest jewel you can possess – for credit is like fire; once you ignite it you can maintain it comfortably, but once you extinguish it you will discover it is a strenuous task to rekindle it. The method of gaining a great reputation is to strive to be what you desire to appear.” – Socrates

“We can do nothing without the body, let us constantly ensure that it is in the best problem to bear us.” – Socrates

“Be modest in childhood, warm in early life, simple in adulthood and... Age reasonable." – Socrates

Quote the Noble Way with sea view and bay “The simplest and noblest way is not to oppress others, but to improve yourself.” - Socrates
104 Socrates Quotes | Socrates wisdom

“The quickest and surest way to deal with honor worldwide is to be in reality what we appear to be; and even if we observe, we will find that all human virtues rise and strengthen themselves through the technique of honor.” – Socrates

“Remember that there is absolutely nothing permanent in human affairs; therefore, abstain from unnecessary joy in prosperity or excessive clinical depression in adversity.” – Socrates

“Our prayers should be for the blessing as a whole, because God perfectly understands what is good for us.” – Socrates

“The simplest and noblest way is not to oppress others, but yourself to improve yourself. " – Socrates

“We get our first-ever intelligence procedure when we initially confess our own lack of knowledge.” – Socrates

“If I keep my insight, I won’t worry about poor eyesight.” – Socrates

“The next path to greatness is to strive to be what you want to be thought of as.” – Socrates

“The only good is understanding, and the only evil is ignorance.” – Socrates

“Use yours Time, to improve yourself through the writings of other men, to ensure that you come quickly to what others have fought really hard for.” – Socrates

“From the innermost desires often comes the deadliest hatred.” – Socrates

Socrates sayings that contain knowledge 🤔

A woman has an astonished look - Socrates Sayings that contain knowledge: “Knowledge begins in amazement.” - Socrates
104 Socrates quotes | Socrates wisdom

“Knowledge begins in wonder.” – Socrates

“There is only one excellent, understanding, and also one evil, ignorance.” – Socrates

“I can't teach anyone anything. All I can do is make him accept it.” – Socrates

“The only true knowledge remains in knowing that you know nothing.” – Socrates

“Only the extremely forgetful or the extremely intelligent can withstand adaptation.” – Socrates

“I just want ordinary people to have an unlimited capacity to inflict harm; after that they can have unlimited power to do excellent things.” – Socrates

A hand holds soil with a seedling in its hands and quote in the background "Miracle is the beginning of wisdom." - Socrates
104 Socrates Quotes | Socrates wisdom

“Miracle is the beginning of wisdom.” – Socrates

“Whenever people are deceived for this reason and form opinions far from the truth, it is clear that the error has slipped directly into their minds through special similarities with this reality.” – Socrates

“What I don’t know, I don’t think I understand.” – Socrates

“The ideal person is all human-created beings, it is a collection, it is all of them together that achieve excellence.” – Socrates

“Slow down, um friendships to close, but when you are in, remain firm and steady.” – Socrates

“Envy is the ulcer of the heart.” – Socrates

“Think not of the believers who praise all your words and deeds, but of those who praise yours Error kindly reprimand.” – Socrates

“I discovered that it wasn't that wisdom was that enabled the poets to write their verses, but a kind of impulse or ideas such as you find in seers and prophets, who convey all their great messages without realizing in the least what they are." – Socrates

A woman looks into the future through a telescope - “We cannot live better than by looking for progress.” - Socrates
104 Socrates Quotes | Socrates wisdom

“We cannot live better than by seeking progress.” – Socrates

“Education and learning acquired with money is worse than no education and learning at all.” – Socrates

“A moral system based on relative psychological values ​​is a simple impression, a completely repulsive idea, containing absolutely nothing noise and absolutely nothing real.” – Socrates

“The best way to live with honor in this world is to be what we believe we are.” – Socrates

“People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought they shun.” – Socrates

“No one practices a profession that he has not learned, not even the smallest one; yet everyone considers himself sufficiently qualified for the hardest of all trades, that of government.” – Socrates

Quote Socrates Youth 👻

A teenage skateboarder at sunset - “Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel with teeth.” - Socrates
104 Socrates Quotes | Socrates wisdom

“Education is the lighting of a flame, not the filling of a vessel with teeth.” – Socrates

"Evil guys live to eat and drink, while excellent boys eat and drink to live.” – Socrates

“It is not life but the good life that is primarily to be valued.” – Socrates

“Allow the one who wants to move the world to act first.” – Socrates

“I can't teach anyone anything. All I can do is make them think.” – Socrates

“If you’re not happy with what you have, you’re not happy with what you want.” – Socrates

“Every action has its satisfaction and its pace.” – Socrates

“Wrong words are not only evil in themselves, but they infect the mind with malice.” – Socrates

“The beginning of knowledge is an interpretation of concepts.” – Socrates

“Recognizing a question is half an answer.” – Socrates

“The victory of my art is to examine thoroughly whether the gedanke, which the boy's spirit produces, is a false idol or a worthy real birth." – Socrates

Socrates quotes death 🥀

Socrates Quotes Death 🥀 “Death can be the greatest of all human gifts.” - Socrates

“Death may be the greatest of all human gifts.” – Socrates

“The hour of departure has actually come, and we too are going our separate ways; I to die and you to live. What is much better? Only God knows.” – Socrates

“Actually, all my life I have not sought to generate wealth and also to beautify my body, but I have tried to fill my heart with the jewels of knowledge, patience and most of all with the Love of freedom to adorn.” – Socrates

“It is a disgrace due to great recklessness or to become before you see what kind of man you might end up being if you develop your physical toughness and elegance to their greatest limitation.” – Socrates

Sayings Socrates

Socrates and his students - Sayings Socrates ✌️
104 Socrates Quotes | Socrates wisdom

“Not only are they silent that do nothing, but they are also idle that could be put to much better use.” – Socrates

“You never know a line is crooked unless you have a straight one to put next to it.” – Socrates

“Forbear from doing to others what angers you when others have done it to you.” – Socrates

A man and a woman ride a scooter on a bridge - "The unexplored life is not worth living." -Socrates
104 Socrates Quotes | Socrates Wisdom | Quotes from Socrates the wisest

“You should never do anything wrong or abuse anyone, no matter how they abused you.” – Socrates

“The greatest true blessing bestowed upon humanity has been stopped by the method of madness, which is a magnificent gift.” – Socrates

“I like to go and see all the things I already enjoy.” – Socrates

“Sometimes you build walls not to keep people out, but to see who is interested in tearing them down.” – Socrates

“The unexplored life is not worth living.” – Socrates

FAQ: Socrates 👍

Who was Socrates?

Socrates Statue - 122 Socrates Quotes Wisdom Socrates

Socrates was an important Greek philosopher who lived in the 5th century BC. lived. He is one of the most influential thinkers in the history of Western philosophy and is often viewed as the founder of Western philosophy.

What is Socrates best known for?

What is Socrates best known for?

Socrates is considered by many to be the founding figure of Western ideology and is at the same time the most exemplary and strangest of the Greek philosophers. He grew up during the golden era of Pericles Athens, served with distinction as a soldier, but became best as a questioner of all things trifles.

What did Socrates teach?

What is Socrates' primary approach?

Socrates publicly taught his own view of life in Athens by holding discussions with the people. The core of his epistemology was the question of good and goodness, which should lead to happiness. He tried to develop a moral ordering principle based on the human factor. Socrates mentioned that human decisions were motivated by the need for pleasure.

What are Socrates' major contributions to philosophy?

A woman looks into the future through a telescope - “We cannot live better than by looking for progress.” - Socrates

Socrates' most outstanding contribution to philosophy was his development of the Socratic method, also known as the Maieutic method or Elentik. Through questions and dialogue, he led people to question and reflect on their own ideas in order to arrive at the truth. He emphasized the importance of self-knowledge and the realization that wisdom lies in knowing that one knows nothing.

How did Socrates use the Socratic method?

“Miracle is the beginning of wisdom.” - SocratesA pregnant woman caresses her belly - “Miracle is the beginning of wisdom.” - Socrates

Socrates walked around asking the people he met profound questions about moral and ethical issues, as well as virtues such as justice, bravery, and wisdom. Through critical questioning, he guided them to contradictions in their own beliefs and helped them clarify their thoughts and reflect more deeply.

What does “I know that I know nothing” mean by Socrates?

“Wisdom is knowing what you do not know.” - Socrates

This saying expresses Socrates' humility and modesty. Although he was considered a wise man, he believed that unlike other wise men, he knew that he did not really know everything. His awareness of his own ignorance drove him to use the Socratic method and search for truth.

What was Socrates' attitude toward Greek religion?

A teenage skateboarder at sunset - “Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel with teeth.” - Socrates

Socrates was accused of being critical of traditional Greek religion and the worship of the gods. He believed in a higher divine principle, which he called the “daimonion,” or divine voice. Nevertheless, he respected the laws of Athens and refused to undermine the state religion.

What led to Socrates' condemnation and death?

A woman has an astonished look - Socrates Sayings that contain knowledge: “Knowledge begins in amazement.” - Socrates

Socrates was put on trial for alleged impiety and seducing young people. Although he had the option of saving his life by leaving the country or rejecting his death sentence, he voluntarily chose to accept the judge's verdict and drink the cup of poison. His death is seen as a sacrifice for the values ​​of philosophy and free expression.

What influence did Socrates have on his students, especially Plato?

Woman looks over the horizon by the sea and thinks about the following quote: “Be kind, because every person you meet is facing a tough battle.” – Socrates

Socrates' teachings and philosophy had a profound influence on his students, most notably the famous philosopher Plato. Plato was greatly inspired by Socrates and developed many of his ideas further in his dialogues, which included Socrates as the main character. These dialogues are important sources for our understanding of Socrates' thoughts and methods.

What significance does Socrates have for today's philosophy?

Socrates' method of critical questioning and his emphasis on self reflection and self-knowledge have shaped philosophical practice to this day. His ideas have greatly influenced the development of Western philosophy and are also important in other areas such as ethics and education.

Are there any surviving writings by Socrates himself?

Although Socrates left no writings, his ideas and teachings have been transmitted through the works of his students, primarily Plato and Xenophon. It is important to note that it is often difficult to distinguish between Socrates' actual views and those of his students.

Why is Socrates' legacy so important?

Socrates is one of the most influential thinkers in history, whose methods and ideas have had a lasting impact on the development of philosophy and thought. His contributions to ethics, logic and epistemology have shaped and inspired the philosophical tradition today still people to think critically and strive for truth.

Anything else I need to know about Socrates?

In addition to the information already mentioned, there are some other interesting aspects about Socrates that concern his life and philosophy:

  1. Socrates' lack of writing: Socrates himself left no written works. Everything we know about him comes from the accounts of his students, mainly Plato and Xenophon. It is believed that Socrates was skeptical about recording his teachings in writing, believing that written texts could replace lively discussions and oral exchanges.
  2. Meaning of the Oracle of Delphi: According to Plato and Xenophon, Socrates went to the Oracle of Delphi to ask the Oracle whether there was a wiser person than him. The oracle replied that no one was wiser than Socrates. This event helped foster his humility and intensify his search for wisdom.
  3. Influence on the Sophists: Socrates was in constant conflict with the Sophists, a group of teachers who offered rhetoric, argumentation, and the transmission of knowledge. Unlike the Sophists, Socrates demanded none Money for his teachings and viewed himself not as a teacher, but as someone who helped others question their own beliefs.
  4. Apologetic writings about Socrates: Both Plato and Xenophon wrote apologetic writings to defend Socrates and restore his reputation after his death. These writings were intended to show readers that Socrates was not a seducer of youth or an atheist, but a wise and virtuous philosopher.
  5. Socratic dialogue: In Plato's dialogues, Socrates is often depicted as the main character, having discussions with other characters. This dialogic method is characteristic of Plato's philosophy and has also had an influence in later philosophical works.
  6. Socrates as a model for the philosophical way of life: Socrates believed in that importance the moral and intellectual development of an individual. His way of life, which was characterized by modesty, discipline and a sense of responsibility, was used as a model by many later philosophers.

Although there are no direct records of his teachings, Socrates remains one of the most fascinating and influential figures in the history of philosophy because of his methodology, his questions, and the philosophical tradition he founded. His thinking and his search for truth continue to have lasting significance today.

What are your favorite quotes from Socrates?

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