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Silent sea with a fisherman | 30 Rumi Quotes A journey through his best quotes

30 Rumi Quotes | A journey through his best quotes

Last updated on March 8, 2024 by Roger Kaufman

Rumi, also known as Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Balkhi, was a 13th-century Persian poet, theologian and mystic whose poems and writings are loved and revered worldwide to this day.

His profound poems deal with topics such as love, spirituality, mysticism, freedom, Tod and knowledge of God and have a universal appeal.

In this article I have some of his best Quotes compiled that will take us on an inspiring and uplifting journey.

I will also answer some frequently asked questions about Rumi and his work to give you a comprehensive introduction to it live and work of this famous poet.

Rumi Quotes - A journey through his best quotes and poems as well as frequently asked questions

Jetty on the lake and quote: Set what you love free. If it comes back, it's yours - forever." - Rumi
30 Rumi Quotes | A journey through his best quotes | Rumi Quotes Truth

“Leave what you do love, free. If it comes back, it’s yours – forever.” – Rumi

“The universe is full of secrets. Anyone who seeks to discover them must become quiet and listen.” – Rumi

“Get out of the house to see the beauty of the world. The beauty of the soul needs none Eyes“To be seen.” – Rumi

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“Awake, O soul, and let the world flow through you as if it were an instrument you play.” – Rumi

“Your job is not to follow of Love to seek, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have erected against it.” – Rumi

Sunrise on the sea light waves and quote: "Get out of the house to see the beauty of the world. The beauty of the soul does not need eyes to be seen." - Rumi
30 Rumi Quotes | Living Rumi Quote

“The truth was a mirror in the garden. You thought you found it. You broke the mirror. The shards numbered in the thousands. Everyone took a piece of it and looked into it and said, 'I am the truth.' – Rumi

“Beyond right and wrong there is a place. We’ll meet there.” – Rumi

“The strength of the of Love lies in their weakness, because without the ability to be vulnerable there can be no real love.” – Rumi

“Do not look at yourself as separate from everything, but as part of everything that exists.” – Rumi

"The Sun is shining on everyone the same, and the rain falls on everyone the same. How can we not all be the same?” – Rumi

Beautiful landscape picture with quote: "Let your heart become a place where everything you love has room." - Rumi
30 Rumi Quotes | A journey through his best quotes | Rumi quotes soul

“Be like a setting sun, and stand like a mountain, immovable and unshakable.” – Rumi

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“The universe is not a place you travel to, but a state you reach.” – Rumi

“The truth can never be sought, it can only be found when one is ready to receive it.” – Rumi

“Let your heart become a place where everything you love has room.” – Rumi

“The boundaries you have in your head are the only boundaries there are.” – Rumi

Man sits on a rocky ledge and looks at a mountain range. Quote: "The limits you have in your head are the only limits there are." - Rumi
30 Rumi Quotes | A journey through his best quotes | Rum quotes that will help you

“We are trapped not only in this body, but also in the concepts we form of the world.” – Rumi

“Love is the key to the door that opens the heart.” – Rumi

“Words are just signs that indicate meaning. Don’t follow the signs, look for the meaning behind them.” – Rumi

“There is a path between voice and silence, where words become transparent and truth shines.” – Rumi

“Learn to speak in silence, because words can be deceptive.” – Rumi

Woman takes a photo with tablet and quote: "See the beauty in everything and you will find the beauty in yourself." - Rumi
30 Rumi Quotes | A journey through his best quotes

“God has blessed us with eyes to see the world and a heart to feel it.” – Rumi

There is no way to Glück. Happiness is the way.” – Rumi

“You are not just a wave in the ocean of life, you are the entire ocean in a wave.” – Rumi

“See the beauty in everything and you will find the beauty in yourself.” – Rumi

“You are the rainbow that shines in your own heart while the world around you is gray.” – Rumi

Pink flower with quote: "The beauty of things lies in the soul of the beholder." - Rumi
30 Rumi Quotes | A journey through his best quotes | Rumi Quotes Gratitude

“The beauty of things lies in the soul of the beholder.” – Rumi

“When you pass through the fire you will be refined and purified, like gold in the forge.” – Rumi

“Don't be worried when you're on your way Error do. Life is not a mistake, but a lesson.” – Rumi

"The Love is the power, which holds the universe together.” – Rumi

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“You are a miracle, a gift from heaven. Live your life along gratitude and friends." – Rumi

30 Rumi Quotes | A journey through his best quotes (video)

Rumi, the famous Persian poet and mystic of the 13th century, has with his profound and inspiring poems and quotes gained a following around the world.

His words express deep insights and Wisdom that relate to life, love and the human experience.

In this collection I have compiled 30 of Rumi's best quotes that will take us on a journey through his poetic world of wisdom and understanding.

Let Rumi's language inspire you and open your heart and yours Spirit for the deeper meaning of life.

I hope you enjoyed this collection of 30 Rumi quotes.

If so, help me pass on Rumi's wisdom by doing this Video like and share.

Share these quotes with your friends and family and together let us enrich the world with Rumi's deep insights and wisdom.

Thanks for your support! #wisdom of life #wisdom #rumi

Source: Best sayings and quotes
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30 Rumi Quotes | A journey through his best quotes

Further wisdom about the Rumi quotes:

1. “Release what you love. If it comes back, it’s yours – forever.”

  • Trust and letting go: This quote expresses the idea that love is based on trust and freedom. If we festhalten and want to control, we stifle love. In order we let go and giving freedom to the other, we show true trust and love.
  • The Power of Return: When something returns out of love, it is even deeper and more firmly connected to us. The time of separation strengthened and matured love.

2. “The universe is full Secrets. Anyone who seeks to discover them must become quiet and listen.”

  • Silence as access to the secret: In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we often ignore the quiet voices of wisdom and wisdom Intuition. Only in silence can we perceive the secrets of the universe.
  • meditation and attentiveness: Through meditation and mindfulness we cultivate the ability to become still and listen. This is how we open ourselves to the messages of the universe.

3. “Get out of the house to see the beauty of the world. The beauty of the soul does not need eyes to be seen.”

  • The beauty of the world: The world is full of wonders and beauty waiting to be discovered. Open your eyes and your heart to the beauty of Nature, art and people.
  • The inner beauty: The true beauty lies in the soul. It cannot be seen with the eyes but must be felt with the heart.

4. “Awake, O soul, and let the world flow through you as if it were an instrument you play.”

  • The soul as a musician: The soul is a powerful instrument that can bring music into the world. Get inspired by the world and express your own melody.
  • Creativity and expression: The world is your stage. Use yours Talente and skills to unleash your unique creativity and enrich the world.

5. “Your job is not to look for love, but simply to look for and find all the barriers within yourself that you have put up against it.”

  • The search for love: Love is all around us. We don't have to look for them, just them Overcome obstacles within ourselves, which prevent us from receiving them.
  • Self-love and shadow work: The most important step on the path to love is loving ourselves. By loving our Anxieties, overcome hurts and doubts, we open ourselves to love.

Regarding the other quotes:

  • Beyond right and wrong: In the duality of right and wrong, we often lose sight of what is important. Open yourself to the dimension beyond concepts where unity and love reign.
  • The strength of love: Love is not only delicate and fragile, but also strong and powerful. It can carry us through life’s greatest challenges.
  • Unity and Equality: We are all connected and part of the bigger picture. There is no separation, only unity.
  • Sun and mountain: Be a shining example for others and at the same time be strong and steadfast like a mountain.
  • Truth and Search: Truth cannot be sought but can only be found when we are ready to receive it.
  • Open heart: Open your heart to everything life has to offer. love, joy, Pain and sadness – everything is part of life and enriches us.
  • Limits in mind: The only boundaries there are are the ones we set for ourselves in our heads set. Push your limits and develop your full potential.
  • Prisoners of concepts: Our thoughts and concepts about the world can limit us. Free yourself from these concepts and experience the world in a new way.
  • Love as a key: Love is the key to all doors in life. It opens our heart, our mind and our soul.
  • Words and meaning: Words are just symbols for the meaning behind them. Don't look for the words, look for the meaning.
  • Silence and Truth: In silence we find the truth. Words can be deceiving, silence can

18 Rumi metaphors with explanations and quotes:

1. The Flute:

  • Meaning: The soul of man striving for the divine.
  • Quote: “The flute sings of the longing of the reeds that grew on the banks of the river.”
  • Statement: The flute symbolizes that human soul, which is made to sing by the longing for the divine. The reeds on the banks of the river represent man's earthly existence, which can be transcended through the longing for the divine.

2. The Mirror:

  • Meaning: The divine that is hidden in every human being.
  • Quote: “Your face is a mirror / in which you can see the face of God.”
  • Statement: The mirror symbolizes the human heart, capable of reflecting the divine. When we look into our hearts, we can see the divine within ourselves.

3. The Dance:

  • Meaning: The joy and ecstasy of the mystical experience.
  • Quote: “Come, dance with me in the circle of lovers, / throw everyone Provide and doubts overboard.
  • Statement: The dance symbolizes the mystical experience of unity with God. In the ecstasy of dance all worries and doubts dissolve and people experience pure joy and love.

4. The Rose:

  • Meaning: The beauty and perfection of divine love.
  • Quote: “The rose is the flower of love, / its fragrance captivates the hearts of men.”
  • Statement: The rose symbolizes the beauty and perfection of divine love. Its scent captivates people's hearts and attracts them to love.

5. The wine:

  • Meaning: The mystical experience of unity with God.
  • Quote: “Drink the wine of love, / it will intoxicate you and lead you to the heavenly spheres.”
  • Statement: Wine symbolizes the mystical experience of unity with God. The intoxication of wine represents the dissolution of the ego and the merger with the divine.

6. The Candle:

  • Meaning: The soul of man searching for the light of truth.
  • Quote: “The candle burns in the darkness, / its light illuminates the path of the seekers.”
  • Statement: The candle symbolizes the human soul searching for the light of truth. In the darkness of the world, the candle illuminates the path of the seekers and leads them to enlightenment.

7. The Bird:

  • Meaning: The Freedom the soul that has freed itself from the shackles of the world.
  • Quote: “The bird sings his song in a cage, / but his heart longs for the freedom of heaven.
  • Statement: The bird symbolizes the freedom of the soul, which has freed itself from the shackles of the world. The cage represents the earthly world that imprisons the soul. The sky symbolizes freedom and unity with the divine.

8. The Tree:

  • Meaning: The life of man, deeply rooted in the earth and striving for heaven.
  • Quote: “The tree stands firm in the storm, / its roots are anchored deep in the earth.”
  • Statement: The tree symbolizes human life, which is deeply rooted in the earth and at the same time strives for heaven. The roots of the tree represent man's earthly existence, while the crown of the tree strives for the divine.

9. The River:

  • Meaning: The river of life that flows constantly and changes everything.
  • Quote: “The river flows unceasingly, / It carries with it everything that stands in its way.”
  • Statement: The river symbolizes the river of life, which flows constantly and changes everything. The river carries away everything that stands in its way and thus symbolizes the transience of everything earthly.

10. The Sun:

  • Meaning: The divine love that illuminates and warms all life.
  • Quote: “The sun shines for all, / It warms the poor and the rich alike.”
  • Statement: The sun symbolizes divine love that illuminates and warms all life. She is merciful and gracious and gives her love to all people equally.

11. The Moon:

  • Meaning: The mystical experience of unity with God.
  • Quote: "The Moon reflects the light of the sun, illuminates the night and gives us dreams.
  • Statement: The moon symbolizes the mystical experience of unity with God. It reflects the light of the sun, which represents divine love. In the night of darkness, the moon illuminates the path and gives us dreams of unity with the divine.

12. The Stars:

  • Meaning: The countless possibilities of life.
  • Quote: “The stars in the sky are like the possibilities of life, / infinite and full of wonder.”
  • Statement: The stars symbolize the countless possibilities of life. They are infinite and full of wonders waiting to be discovered.

13. The Desert:

  • Meaning: The spiritual journey of man, which is full of challenges and trials.
  • Quote: “The desert is a place of trial, / but it is also a place of purification and purification.”
  • Statement: The desert symbolizes man's spiritual journey, which is full of challenges and trials. In the desert, people have to face their fears and doubts and free themselves from their earthly desires.

14. The Mountain:

  • Meaning: The destination of the spiritual journey, the place of enlightenment.
  • Quote: “The mountain is the place of enlightenment, / from there you can see the whole world.”
  • Statement: The mountain symbolizes the destination of the spiritual journey, the place of enlightenment. From there, people can see the entire world and recognize the unity of all life.

15. The Sea:

  • Meaning: The infinity of the divine.
  • Quote: "The Generate more is infinitely deep, / it holds countless secrets.
  • Statement: The sea symbolizes the infinity of the divine. It is deep and full of mysteries that man can never fully fathom.

16. The Rain:

  • Meaning: The divine grace that nourishes the soul of man.
  • Quote: "The Rain falls to the earth, bringing life and fertility.
  • Statement: The rain symbolizes the divine grace that nourishes the human soul. It brings life and fertility and allows the human soul to grow and prosper.

17. The Wind:

  • Meaning: The Spirit of God who inspires and guides people.
  • Quote: "The wind blows, wherever he wants to go, / you can't see him, but you can feel his power.
  • Statement: The wind symbolizes the spirit of God, which inspires and guides people. You can't see him, but you can feel his power, inspiring people to great deeds.

18. The Fire:

  • Meaning: The divine love that ignites people's hearts.
  • Quote: “The fire burns in the heart, / it warms and illuminates the soul.”
  • Statement: Fire symbolizes the divine love that ignites people's hearts. It warms and enlightens the soul and allows people to experience true love.


19. The Garden:

  • Meaning: Paradise, the place of eternal bliss.
  • Quote: “The garden is a place of beauty and peace, / a place of joy and love.”
  • Statement: The garden symbolizes paradise, the place of eternal bliss. It is a place of beauty and peace where joy and love reign.

Rumi poems

“The beauty of silence”

The silence is not empty, it is full of answers.
Stop searching, Because it is here Where all questions are answered.
In the silence you find peace, In silence you find yourself.

– Rumi

The inn

Typically, this human existence is like an inn, a new guest every morning.
Joy, sadness, anger, jealousy – welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they bring a lot of passion, the amount of joy they will bring will cleanse your soul like a spring rain.
Be grateful for every moment, because everyone is one Opportunity, to expand and grow your soul.

– Rumi

The dance

If you truly love, dance the dance of freedom.
Let the music flow through you, follow your heart and dance.
The world will be watching you, but don't let that get in the way of your joy.
Because in this moment you are one with everything, you are free like the wind, you are limitless and infinite.

– Rumi

Masnavi by Rumi in German

The Masnavi from Rumi is a long poem in six volumes and contains more than 50.000 verses.

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It is difficult to convey the entire poem in a short answer, but here is a translation of an excerpt from the poem:

“Without love I am like the wood of the world, without love I am like a body without a soul. Without love I am like a bird without wings, without love I am like a flower without scent.
The Love is the sea, I am just a drop, Love is the sunlight, I am just a ray. The Love is life, I am just a breath, Love is everything, I am just nothing.”

– Rumi

Here is another poem by Rumi:

“Beyond right and wrong there is a place. We’ll meet there.”

– Rumi

This poem by Rumi expresses something profound wisdom that says that beyond concepts like “right” and “wrong” there is a place where we can meet.

It reminds us that we are all connected as humans, regardless of our opinions and beliefs.

Rumi invites us to seek this place of unity and connection rather than getting lost in conflict and disagreement.

Bonus Rumi wisdom

FAQ Rumi: Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about Rumi

Who was Rumi?

Rumi was a 13th-century Persian poet, theologian and mystic known for his profound and inspiring poems. He is one of the most widely read poets in the world and has had an enormous influence on the poetry and spirituality of the Islamic world.

What makes Rumi so special?

Rumi is appreciated for his profound poems that cover a wide range of topics such as love, spirituality, mysticism, freedom, death and knowledge of God. His poems have a universal appeal and are timeless and universal in their wisdom.

What language did Rumi speak?

Rumi wrote primarily in Persian, a language spoken in Persia (modern-day Iran) and parts of Central Asia. He also wrote poetry in Arabic and Turkish.

What is Rumi's most famous work?

Rumi's most famous work is the Masnavi, a poem in six volumes that is considered one of the greatest masterpieces of Persian literature. The poem consists of more than 50.000 verses and covers themes such as love, spirituality, morals and ethics.

How did Rumi influence the Islamic world?

Rumi has greatly influenced the Islamic world, particularly the Sufi tradition of Islam, which focuses on the spiritual dimension of faith. His poems remain part of the Sufi tradition today and are read and appreciated by Muslims around the world.

Was Rumi a Sufi?

Yes, Rumi was a Sufi. The Sufis are a mystical group within Islam who focus on the spiritual dimension of faith. Rumi was a master of the Sufi tradition and his poems remain an important part of this tradition today.

What is the meaning of Rumi's poems?

Rumi's poems have many meanings and can be interpreted in different ways. They are often full of metaphors and symbols that convey a profound spiritual truth. Rumi's poems are intended to inspire readers to seek a deeper connection with their inner self and with God.

Yes, here are some interesting facts and information about Rumi:

  1. Rumi was born in Persia (today Iran) and spent most of his life in the city of Konya in what is now Turkey.
  2. Rumi was taught theology, philosophy and literature by his father, a famous scholar and poet.
  3. Rumi had a spiritual teacher named Shams-e Tabrizi who inspired him and helped him deepen his mystical journey. The relationship between Rumi and Shams-e Tabrizi is often considered one of the deepest spiritual connections in the History described.
  4. Rumi's most famous work is the Masnavi, a long poem in six volumes that is considered a masterpiece of Persian poetry. The work contains profound insights and stories that often as lessons for life be interpreted.
  5. Rumi's poems have been translated into many languages ​​and have found a global following, particularly in the West. His poetry is often considered a bridge between cultures and has inspired people of all backgrounds and faiths.
  6. Rumi's spirituality and mysticism were influenced by the Sufist tradition, which emphasizes an inner search for God and self-knowledge. His poems express deep insights and wisdom relating to life, love and humanity Experience relate.
  7. Rumi died in 1273 in Konya, where his tomb became an important pilgrimage site. His influence on poetry and spirituality continues today and his poems are often cited as an inspiration and source encouragement cited.

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