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You risk being like a forest

Refuel your thoughts – risk being yourself

Last updated on May 19, 2021 by Roger Kaufman

Why you should risk being yourself – Sabine Asgodom

Do you want to know what personality type you are?

Then take your free personality test now:… Sabine Asgodom motivates you today: Refuel your thoughts – be yourself! Of course, being imperfectly perfect and learning to accept failure is not that easy.

All you need is: courage to tell the truth. Your inner critic may get in your way more often than you think. Just leave him behind you - and be who you are! Sabine Asgodom tells you today at the Thought Refueling - Speaker Night Stories from life. “Be yourself, stand by yourself” is that today most important lesson.

How it works? You have to give up your perfectionism. Sabine Asgodom gives you 2 examples and 3 insights on how you can fail more beautifully.

You know those people whose glass is half full or half empty? What if the glass just tips over. Happened. Belongs to it. And it's totally okay. Accepting what is is incredibly important self-confidence to strengthen.

Be glücklich, not perfect - pretending doesn't help anyway, because if you don't follow your gut feeling, you're not being honest with yourself and appearing confident is almost impossible.

bedrooms Courage, listen to your inner voice and be yourself!

Sabine Asgodom shows you today how beautiful failure is. Of course, it takes a lot of courage, but if you just listen to your gut feeling, you will see: you are just as good as you are. Be yourself – Sabine motivates you today. She has 2 examples and 3 insights for you that will show you how to really accept yourself, be confident and courageous go through life.

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21 Be yourself sayings – thought tank

21 Be Yourself Sayings - Thought Refueling - "Just be yourself, there is no one much better." -Taylor Swift

If we were just like everyone else, the world would certainly be an extremely uninteresting place.

It is important that we see ourselves for who we are and that we recognize what makes us unique and special.

Be yourself sayings

This collection of quotes and claims will surely show you how much better life can be when you value it and value yourself for just being yourself.

However, you don't have to be like everyone else. You have the choice to be whoever you want to be.

Although we may have to deal with pressure to conform to others' assumptions, values, or worldviews, it is up to us to forge our own paths. We must discover the courage to build our own future from within. Here are some inspirational quotes about: Be yourself claims

“Just be yourself, there’s no one much better.” – Taylor Swift

"Most People are other individuals. Her ideas the opinions of others, their lives an imitation, their enthusiasm a quotation.” - Oscar Wilde

“Be who you are and say what you really feel, because those who don’t care and those who matter don’t mind.” – Bernard M. Maruch

“No other version, no matter how good it is, would ever truly feel much better than being the real you before.” – Edmond Mbiaka

“We become so comfortable with disguising ourselves to others that in the long run we end up disguising ourselves.” – Francois de la Rochefoucauld

“Be what you are. This is the first step towards progressing as you.” – Julius Charles Hare

"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” - Oscar Wilde

"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." -Oscar Wilde

“There is only one for all time. Be fearlessly alone.” –Anthony Rapp

“Live this live, as if no one is watching, and express it yourself, as if everyone is paying attention.” - Nelson Mandela

“Don’t put yourself at risk – you are all you have.” – John Grisham

“To radiate your brightest light, you must absolutely be her.” – Roy T. Bennett

“Don’t emphasize what individuals claim or what people believe. Be yourself.” – Brett Hull

“Never let any spirit in the world tell you that you cannot be exactly who you are.” – Lady Gaga

“Be who you are and also assert what you really feel, because those who don’t care and those who matter don’t mind.” –Bernard M. Baruch

Be yourself sayings with Marilyn Monroe

“Flaw is elegance, madness is magic, and it is far better to be definitely absurd than absolutely uninteresting.” –Marilyn Monroe

Be yourself sayings "Flaw is elegance, madness is magic and it is far better to be definitely absurd than completely uninteresting." - Image of Marilyn Monroe

“If you are happy just being yourself and not contrasting or competing, everyone will surely respect you.” – Lao Tzu

Don't let other people decide who you are. – Bob Goff

“Always be alone, share alone, have Trust in yourself, don’t go out and try to find an effective character and duplicate it.” - Bruce Lee

“You wouldn’t worry much about what others think of you if you understood how rarely they ever do.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

You should not hesitate about your uniqueness and care less and less about what people think about you. –Robert Greene

“Constantly be a top-notch version of yourself, not a sloppy version of another person.” –Judy Garland

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