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Dare to take the risk

Dare to take the risk

Last updated on January 30, 2022 by Roger Kaufman

Courage to take risks

Crossing a suspension bridge - courage to take risks
Courage to take risks

On some level, you may already know what it's like to go down uncomfortable paths.

Just imagine what it would be like to imagine all possible and seemingly impossible things, situations and developments, to achieve your goals more easily and quickly with courage and risk.

Take the risk of falling - you just have to get back up. This decision will do a lot of good for you.

You have to lose a fly to catch a fish. - saying

Anyone who wants to eliminate all risk also destroys all opportunities. – Hans Olaf Henkel

Who be live so that he can never fall on his face, he can only crawl on his stomach. – Heinz Riesenhuber

"The door to paradise remains sealed. Through the word risk.” – Niklas Luhmann

Quotes that give you courage | never be shy again | 29 quotes and sayings that will give you courage

Quotes that give you courage - never again schüchtern .

A project by

Are you currently in a crisis or a difficult one? Time?

Sometimes there are moments in... live, in which worries and fears plague us.

No matter whether it's personal challenges or difficulties at work - each of us goes through a difficult time.

In these phases of life, hopelessness often predominates. In case the future seems anything but rosy or you are currently plagued by turbulence, we have a few for you Quotations that give courage, summarized.

Here come 29 Quotes and sayingsthat will give you courage and strength. “If you liked the video, click the thumbs up now.”

Source: Letting go, learning trust
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