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Woman Jogging - Fitness and Beauty Quotes

18 Fitness and Beauty Quotes

Last updated on December 14, 2021 by Roger Kaufman

Humor Nutrition - 18 Quotes Fitness and Beauty

Humor Nutrition - 18 Quotes Fitness and Beauty
Nutrition, fitness and beauty

“When we were thinner, we were closer.” - Unknown

Children do this spontaneously and happily.

Don't you believe me?
Try it out spontaneously 🙂

“Be who live To know how to enjoy is also to enjoy yourself.” – Peter Amendt

“I believe in that live“That you have to deal with yourself until the day you die.” –Serena Williams

“The yoga exercise class helps me relieve myself from the tormenting stress relaxI was trying to get to the yoga class on time.” – Sadhguru

“Remember: your body is your slave; it benefits you.” – Jack LaLanne

“Yoga exercises are the fountain of youth. You are only as young as your back is flexible.” –Bob Harper

“Take the gym entry to keep yourself out of the health center entry.” – Amit Kalantri

"I consider my refusal to go to the gym today as strength training." - Unknown
18 Fitness and Beauty Quotes

“I consider my refusal today going to the gym as strength training.” - Unknown

“I have to train early in the morning before my brain figures out what I’m doing.” – Marsha Doble

“Every time I hear the dirty word 'exercise' I wash my mouth out with chocolate!” - Unknown

“I look like a ninja in the gym. You’ll never see me there.” - Unknown

“If you still look cute after exercising, you really didn’t try hard enough.” - Unknown

“I only exercise because I really like donuts.” - Unknown

“Absolutely nothing is easy, but as long as you take a breath, you are always one breath away from making your dreams come true. Let every breath matter.” – Kai Grüne

“A champion is a person who gets up when they can’t.” – Jack Dempsey

“It’s only when you’re tired that you see how strong you really are.”– Shaun T.

“America is the only nation on the planet where the People Need power drinks to sit in front of a computer.” –Mike Vanatta

“The more you sweat in training, the less you bleed in battle.” –Richard Marcinko

Time travel of nutrition | extra 3 | NDR – Humor Nutrition

Each Time has its nutritional trends. But so are their taboos. Unfortunately, no one can be warned about the dangers of certain foods after the fact. Or is it?

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Humor and nutrition

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1 thought on “18 Fitness and Beauty Quotes”


    Three things that are somehow inevitably connected! But fitness and healthy eating are very important for each of us either way.

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