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What is creativity

Letting go – what is creativity

Last updated on January 10, 2024 by Roger Kaufman

What is creative thinking?

What is creativity – why is creative thinking an essential element for the Business success?

Creative thinking is the act of turning brand new and imaginative concepts into reality.

creative thinking is characterized by the ability to perceive the globe using brand new methods, discover hidden patterns, make connections between seemingly unrelated phenomena and generate options.

creative thinking involves two processes: thinking, then producing.

What is Creativity – Defining Imagination and Progress

that define imagination and progress
Letting go – what is creativity

“Imagination is a combinatorial pressure: it is our ability to tap into our 'inner' pool of resources - expertise, understanding, information, ideas and all the fragments that populate our minds - which we have actually accumulated over the years just by being present and active and wide awake to the globe and to combine them in amazing new methods.” – Maria Popova, Brainpickings

“Creative thinking is that Processto really bring something new into life. Creativity requires passion and also commitment. It makes us aware of what was previously hidden and points to something new live there. the Experience belongs to a heightened awareness: euphoria.” – Rollo Mai, the courage to develop

Is that possible in society?

I think so, but you have to agree to accept threats and advances through pain to do that Objective to achieve.

“An item is creative if it is (a) unique and (b) appropriate. A new product is initially unpredictable. The bigger the Idea and the more the product encourages additional work and also concepts, the more product is imaginative.”- Sternberg & Lubart, resistance to the group

What is creativity?

What is creativity
Letting go – what is creativity

Development is that Implementation a new or dramatically improved item, solution, or process that is worthwhile to business, the federal government, or society.

Some people say that imagination has nothing to do with development - that development is self-control, which implies that imagination is not.

Imagination is additionally a self-control as well as an essential part of the technology equation. Without imagination there is no progress.

The crucial statistics for both creativity and progress are worth compiling.

Creativity and also economic growth:

We live in the age of creativity

Daniel Pink, in his publication “A Whole New Mind: Why Right Brain Will Determine the Future” (2006), defines economic growth as:

1. Agricultural Age (Farmers).

2. Industrial Age (factory workers).

3. Information Age (Understanding Workers).

4. Conceptual Age (Creator and also Empath).

Pink proposes that left-brain linear, logical computer-like thinking be replaced by right-brain compassion, ingenuity, and understanding as skills most needed for ministry.

Career consultant Dan Pink explores the mystery of motivation, starting with a fact that social scientists know but most managers don't: Traditional rewards aren't always as effective as we think. Listen to the insightful ones Stories — and perhaps a way forward.


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In other words, creativity gives you a competitive advantage by adding value to your product or service and differentiating your business from competitors.

“Either you introduce or you stay in product hell. If you do what everyone else is doing, you'll have a low-margin business. This is not the place we want to be.” – As Sam Palmisano said as Chief Executive Officer of IBM (2004):

In 2012, IBM began evolving into a design firm, investing $100 million in collaboration with developers and educating 100.000 employees about breastfeeding.

IBM supported the expansion of design thinking in the company over a three-year period to move through a quarter of the entire profile and achieve an increase in profits of $18,6 million.

Imagination is the most important variable for future success

IBM's 2010 Worldwide CEO Research stated:

The results of increasing complexity require chief executive officers and their groups to lead with great imagination, engage with customers creatively, and develop their processes for speed and adaptability to prepare their organizations for the Success of the 21st century.

What is creativity – the emptiness of creative thinking

the emptiness of creative thinking(1)
Letting go – what is creativity

A 2012 Adobe study on creative thinking shows that 8 in 10 people believe that tapping into imagination is important for financial development, and nearly two-thirds of respondents agree that creative thinking is important for financial development Culture is important, but a conspicuous minority  

What is creativity – can you imagine?

The short answer is of course. A research study by George Land shows that we are naturally creative and learn to be uncreative as we grow up.

creativity is a skill that can be developed and a procedure that can be done.

Imagination begins with a structure of knowledge, figuring out a technique, and understanding a point of view.

You can discover that you are innovative by testing assumptions, discovering, questioning, using imagination, and synthesizing information.

Being resourceful is akin to learning one Sports. It takes technique to find the right muscular tissue and also a supportive atmosphere in which to thrive.

Studies by Clayton M. Christensen and his scientists have revealed The Innovators DNA:

Your ability to generate brilliant ideas is not just a function of the mind, but also a function of 5 essential practices that maximize your brain for exploration:

  • Connect: Make connections between concerns, problems, or concepts from unassigned areas.
  • Investigate: Ask questions that are general wisdom question.
  • Observe: Reviewing the habits of consumers, merchants and competitors to identify new means of scoring points.
  • Networking: Conference participants with different suggestions and perspectives.
  • Try: Create interactive experiences and also provoke unconventional reactions to see what insights emerge.

Imagination is an exercise, and if you practice these 5 exploration skills daily, you will surely develop your skills in creativity and innovation.

“Creativity is the ability to recognize connections where none exist.” – Thomas Disch

As an example, you can make comparisons between your company and others outside your industry.

Which companies do you admire most and why?

What do they do that could be adopted or adapted to your own business?

What is Creativity – Generative Study of Creativity

Study on creativity
Letting go – what is creativity

Generative studies show that everyone has imaginative abilities.

The more training you have and the more diverse the training, the greater the potential for innovative results.

Research studies have actually shown that when it comes to creativity, quantity equals quality.

The longer the list of concepts, the higher the high quality of the final solution. The best suggestions regularly appear at the end of the list.

Behavior is generative; like the surface of a fast-flowing river, it is both inherently and continually unique.

Novel behavior is continually created but is only classified as inventive if it has particular value to the field.

Overcoming myths about creativity - what is creativity

Creative colorful image with quote

Ideas that only unique, talented people are innovative (and you have to be born that way) diminish our Trust in our creative abilities. The idea that geniuses how Shakespeare, Picasso and Mozart were “gifted” is a myth, according to a study by Exeter University.

Researchers analyzed outstanding achievement in the arts, math and sports to find out whether:

“The widespread belief that in order to achieve high levels of ability, an individual must have an innate perspective called ability.”

The study ends by identifying quality through:

  • Opportunities;
  • Motivation;
  • Education;
  • inspiration as well as,
  • above all, practice.

“Few showed very early signs of promise before parental support.”

No one achieved a high level in their field Success, without dedicating hundreds of hours of primary training.

Mozart was trained for 16 years before producing a recognized masterpiece.

Furthermore, many high achievers today achieve peak performance that corresponds to the abilities of a Mozart or a gold medalist from the millennium.

Promoting creative thinking in the office: rules of the garage

Follow these simple guidelines and foster a culture of imagination as well as technology.

What is creativity – becoming creatively “empty”.

The mind is the root of slavery and man's freedom. – Mayatrayana

Henning van der Osten, thoughts on creativity:

youtube player

The ability to think is certainly the most extraordinary human ability. But: Have you ever noticed that you can't stop your “thinking” so easily?

Try it: Don't think about one elephants! Thinking is the human ability to solve problems, to design the future, to be free of “automatisms”.

Thinking not in the sense of “thinking” is often just opinion, prejudice and conditioning. We think we can do this and we can't do that; we think this is good and that is bad.

But often enough this “thinking” is just an accepted opinion. So how does thinking work? What role does the mind play?

Do we have thinking, or does thinking have us?

And what can we do to simply think better and not fall into the “thinking trap”?

Experts provide answers to these and similar questions; Suggestions help to make thinking and thus life more targeted. Experts: Vera F. Birkenbihl, Dr. Henning von der Osten, Prof. Eberhard Simons.

Arno Nyhm

FAQ about creativity

Street with creative image

What is creativity?

Creativity is the ability to develop new and original ideas, approaches or solutions. It involves thinking outside of conventional molds and creating something new or unique.

Can creativity be learned?

Yes, creativity can be encouraged and developed. Through ideation exercises, experimenting with different media and techniques, and being open to new experiences, everyone can improve their creative thinking skills.

Why is creativity important?

Creativity is important in many areas, such as art, science, business and personal life. It enables innovative solutions to problems, promotes personal expression and contributes to cultural enrichment.

How can I increase my creativity?

Try to regularly practice creative activities, be it painting, writing, playing music, or designing. Inspire yourself through art, nature, or by studying other cultures. Experiment and don't be afraid to make mistakes.

Are there different types of creativity?

Yes, creativity can take many forms such as artistic, scientific, technological or business creativity. Each species has its own characteristics and methods, but all share the characteristic of innovative and original thinking.

How does the environment influence creativity?

Environment can have a big impact on creativity. A stimulating, open and supportive environment encourages creative thinking, while a restrictive or negative environment can inhibit it.

What are creative blocks and how do you overcome them?

Creative blocks are periods when you have difficulty being creative. They can be overcome by distancing yourself from the problem, changing your perspective, relaxing or looking for new sources of inspiration.

How can you use creativity in your professional life?

In professional life, creativity can be used to find innovative solutions to challenges, improve products or develop new business strategies. It's about thinking outside the box and questioning established processes.

Does creativity play a role in education?

Yes, creativity is an essential part of education. It promotes critical thinking, problem-solving skills and the ability to apply knowledge in new and different ways.

How does technology influence creativity?

Technology can be both a tool and a source of inspiration for creativity. It offers new avenues for artistic expression and innovation, but can also challenge by creating new problems that require creative solutions.

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2 thoughts on “Letting go – What is creativity”

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