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Letting go of sketches about phobias

Funny sketch about phobias | Let go

Last updated on August 13, 2023 by Roger Kaufman

A self-help group discusses phobias

Funny sketch about letting go of phobias – video via Carsten Hoefer

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Funny sketch about phobias | Let go | the sketch show follows phobias

Funnier Sketch about phobias: letting go of phobias

Woman holds her hands in front of her face out of fear
Funny sketch about phobias | Let go

Imagine a room where a support group for people with the most bizarre phobias meets.

In the middle of the room there is an empty chair, the “phobia throne”. Everyone who about his phobia If you want to speak, take a seat on it.


  1. Anna – is afraid of wool socks.
  2. Ben – is afraid of laughing babies.
  3. Clara – doesn’t dare to blink.
  4. David – panics about balloons.

Therapist: Hello together! Whoever of you wants today start and tell you about your week?

Anna: (with a shaky voice) I was in the department store yesterday and everywhere... wool socks!

I: No Concern, Anna. They're just socks.

Clear: I tried not to blink over the weekend. My eyes felt like sandpaper!

David: (proudly shows a balloon) I found it today. I thought I could face my fear today.

Therapist: Bravo, David! How do you feel now?

David: Scared... But I have the balloon. That counts, right?

I: Better than a laughing one Baby, Or?

Clear: I blinked in the cinema! And nobody noticed. It was amazing!

Anna: I'm even wearing wool socks today!

The group bursts into laughter. They all realize that they are with their small steps are not alone.

This humorous take on phobias may remind you that it's okay to face your fears slowly.

Support is key. It's not about how quickly you overcome your fears, but rather that you face them and with them every day become a little bit braver.

What is a phobia?

Man anxious
Funny sketch about phobias | Let go

A phobia is an excessive and often irrational fear of an object, situation, or activity that usually poses little or no actual danger.

Avoid people with phobias often actively confront the things or situations they fear or endure them with intense fear or panic.

If the phobia is not treated, it can have a significant impact on everyday life live and the quality of life of the affected person.

Phobias can be divided into different categories:

  1. Specific or simple phobias: These are fears of specific things or situations, such as: E.g. heights (acrophobia), spiders (arachnophobia) or flying (aviophobia).
  2. Social phobia (or social anxiety disorder): This is an excessive fear of situations in which one might be observed, judged or criticized by others. Those affected often avoid social situations or endure them with intense fear.
  3. Agoraphobia: A fear of places or situations from which it might be difficult or embarrassing to escape, or from which help would be difficult to obtain if one were to have a panic attack. This can include places such as crowds, public transportation, or simply a person's home.

Causes of phobias can be diverse and range from traumatic experiences to genetic factors or learned behaviors.

Fortunately, phobias can often be successfully treated with therapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy, desensitization or medication.

No, this is not another skit about letting go of phobias, but a technique to defeat a phobia in 5 minutes

Quickly overcome phobias and conquer fears: Here you will learn a simple psychological technique that will help you get your fears under control in 5 minutes!

Info, tickets & books:
Instagram: @timonkrause
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FAQ about phobia

Woman with question marks and light bulbs
Funny sketch about phobias | Let go

What is a phobia?

A phobia is an intense, often irrational fear of a particular object, situation, or activity that usually poses little or no actual danger.

What are the most common types of phobias?

The most common types are specific phobias (e.g. fear of spiders or heights), social phobia (fear of social situations or judgment), and agoraphobia (fear of places or situations from which it might be difficult to escape).

How do phobias arise?

Phobias can arise from a combination of genetic, neurobiological and environmental factors, including traumatic events.

How do I know if I have a phobia?

If you have an intense, irrational fear of a particular object, activity, or situation that you actively avoid or that causes significant anxiety in you, you may have a phobia. However, an accurate diagnosis should be made by a professional.

How are phobias treated?

Phobias are often treated through therapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy, desensitization, or exposure therapy. In some cases, medication can also be helpful.

Are phobias hereditary?

Although not directly inherited, a genetic predisposition to anxiety disorders can run in families.

Can children develop phobias?

Yes, children can develop phobias, often in response to traumatic events or by mimicking the fears of their parents or caregivers.

What is the difference between a normal fear and a phobia?

While normal fears occur in response to real threats and are usually temporary, phobias are often more intense, irrational and long-lasting fears of objects or situations that pose little or no real threat.

Can phobias be cured?

Yes, many people with phobias can experience significant improvements or even complete healing of their symptoms with appropriate therapy.

Where can I get help if I think I have a phobia?

If you think you have a phobia, you should consult a psychologist, psychiatrist, or other specialist who has experience treating anxiety disorders.

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